Always A Flower - "Container Gardens" by Sunscape

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Container Gardening

Let me begin by saying that these are not my container gardens, but, my neighbors. She is a wild woman when it comes to growing her own flowers and veggies for her yard. Many of these are grown in my greenhouse for a couple of months to get them ready to be planted outside. This year, I thought I would share some of her plantings. I do not know the names of her plants but many are easily recognized by most. The Angel Wing flowers in the photo above are one of my favs.

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This one is another favorite of mine. I love the combination of salmon-pink coleus and petunias.

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A lot of the plants are just beginning to flower and soon her entire patio will be surrounded with amazing color.

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She lost a 25-year-old cherry tree last year and she decided to save the lower half to make a fairy garden with her grandchildren. They love to decorate and plant the pots every year with grandma. The birdhouses all have birds nesting in them too so the kids get really excited watching them feed the young.

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Here are some of the kid's succulents they planted around the tree. They put little stones and marbles in the dishes for the fairies to play with. How sweet is that?

Well, that's a wrap for today's posting. I took the photos to share with you all, perhaps they will inspire you to do some of your own. Happy gardening everyone.

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