A Flower a Day Keeps the Blues Away


I freely admit I am no master gardener. In fact no one has ever even accused me of having a green thumb. However I just wanted to share the real joy with you that having a hibiscus plant in my office/ bedroom brings to me each day.


It is hard to explain how seeing a big old red flower greet me first thing in the morning puts a smile on my face. I dont want to be braggy or even jinx my good fortune, but many days there is two or three flowers!

It really does amaze me because not long ago I had rescued this plant from the Lowes plant hospice where they put the ones on their last legs on sale for 75% off.

At first I was not sure if the plant would live. I thought the ten bucks was worth the gamble. I had owned one many years ago, so I gave it a chance. It was suffering from something that was causing the leaves to all turn yellow. I did a bit of digging on the internet and learned that hibiscus are hearty feeders! Not having enough nutrition was a leading cause of yellow leaves in them.


Once I started feeding it what seemed like way too much, it perked right up! Even now if I am lax in feeding it, the yellow leaves appear overnight.


I am not one to argue with a plant, so I bought a jumbo container of plant food, and feed it weekly!

I was a bit worried how it would handle the transition from outdoors to a window seat here in the office, but it has not missed a beat!


I think it is cool how the plant literally changes from day to day. Somedays more buds than flowers, the next more flowers and fewer buds.

I like to think it is the little things that make life more enjoyable!


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