Lotus flower: Best adaptation to the environment

Hi Hive Lovers

Someone is often underestimated or looked down upon by others, and if the negative opinion of others affects you, then your life will end prematurely.

Your life is completely controlled by yourself; the negative opinions of others are like pests that attack your flower buds. You just need to keep growing your new flower buds, and your flowers will continue to bloom and spread beauty.

Negative assumptions and judgments from other people are not a barrier to achieving and realizing your goals. Even though you receive ridicule and negative statements from other people, you can still benefit by doing various good things for others, and you yourself can still achieve your various successes.

This is the same as if you live in an environment that doesn't support you or if you are in an environment that is not good. A bad environment or one that does not support you should not prevent you from doing good and achieving your goals.

You still need people who look down on you and put you down. Good and bad environments continue to be material considerations and a necessity for maintaining one's life balance.

You also don't need to expect a reward for all the good you do. You will receive another payment, which is the highest reward for your kindness, namely; "happiness for doing good". Happiness has no value and can never be given a value, right?

I get these reflections from a lotus flower that grows and develops in a pond that is no longer maintained. The water in the pool is murky, dirty, and disgusting, but the lotus plants are still trying to grow and develop properly.

The leaves and flowers of the lotus plant still look clean and charming. The wide leaves also cover the dirty and murky pool water, and the lotus plants still produce their very beautiful flowers.

The width of the lotus leaves also provides protection for the temperature of the water and small animals from the hot sun, and occasionally you will find insects that have landed to rest there.

Plants and lotus flowers also never ask for compensation or charge for the beauty they show, just like every flower that is around you. They are still beautiful, even if you scold or praise them.

All of us can take lessons from everything we can see, including beautiful flowers. always a flower.

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