[Smelling the] Flowers Along the Way

We were at another village last month and where we parked, there were various flowers blooming so I invited myself to check them out. The husband's uncle was repairing his truck and the husband was conversing with him so it was a good chance for me to take my time going around their lil garden and enjoy what they have.

You could say I literally took Walter Hagen's advice, re:

“You’re only here for a short visit. Don’t hurry, don’t worry. And be sure to smell the flowers along the way.”

The uncle's yard was thriving with plants, among them Bougainvillea which adorned the fence covering most of their frontage from the highway. This flower (and its color) always reminds me of the home where we grew up.

Then on another section, these tall and common flowering shrubs decorated the space between their neighbor's. This shrub is familiar but the name escaped my mind and I could not check now. My internet sucks😂.

By the entrance, these short roses are welcoming. I did wonder what variety they are. They are probably a foot tall and growing amongst passion fruits.

And a few meters away were these red lilies. These type are becoming common around town in various colors that include orange and white.

Then there's a chili plant too which although most of its branches have wilted probably due to the summer heat and lack of water, some were still green and flowering like this one.

We then left the place and took a long walk where these two cheerful flowers were photographed and some more discoveries which I have shared on my post a little while ago.

Well, it's a really cool Good Friday and hope it stays that way. It's quieter too which I appreciate the most. And because my network still sucks, I'll probably spend the rest of the day cleaning our little front yard. My niece Ahjay gave me a kiddie sermon yesterday saying, "why don't you clean out your garden, Tita?"😆 Guess it's time to do so, lol!

Cheers to a wonderful day!

Photos are my own. 07042023/10:15ph

Smile... laugh often... love more... be happy and grateful always!

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