The spring in my step

Spring Flowers.png

Through primrose tufts, in that green bower,
The periwinkle trailed its wreaths;
And ’tis my faith that every flower
Enjoys the air it breathes.

William Wordsworth

Today is the first day of Spring here and the first day of Autumn in the northern hemisphere.

What a gorgeous welcoming I received today for the start of this sexy season. The weather has been terrible lately, a lot of cold, a lot of rain, a lot of chill in the air but today was Spring making it's presence felt. I was not only greeted with a stunner of a day, but with beautiful flowers too and I drank it in with a huge smile on my face and with love in my heart for the day.

The atmosphere in the air was full of springtime, even the air smelled like fresh flowers and happiness. Feeling it, welcoming it in was fantastic...

...until I had this sinking feeling that I've been procrastinating around Spring cleaning the entire week and shifting my priorities around subconsciously to get out of it. Yup, totally guilty. I know, I'm so bad.

I decided today had to be the day, how could I not do a bit of fluffing up, re-arranging, cleaning, dusting, sweeping and mopping? I got to it and now it is late but I feel great.

I even gave my screen and keyboard a nice wipe down. Now my space feels fresh, clean and invigorating, re-energized...and full of flowers. I'm a simple being and like to have some organization in my space but having flowers to prep me up? Never goes out of fashion. There is nothing that I love more than being able to buy some flowers and arrange them in the shop or at home. I find that it clears my mind, puts a smile on my face and makes it much easier to be productive. Interesting how the weather and simple things like this affect our moods, it's always fascinated me. I use it to my own advantage as often as I can.

It seems to me every plant celebrates it's life by putting out flowers, we should all do the same. The varieties of flowers I saw today seemed endless and how very fortunate we are to be able to spoil ourselves with them. Those wild outdoorsy ones seem to be blanketing the fields now too.

I had quite a busy day at work and time simply flew. It would have been nice to get outside today and go for a walk while there were blue skies, but I'm rain checking that. Hopefully this weekend I can make it happen, I'd hate to miss the first spray of flowers on my hiking trail.

I'm sure that all the little pollinating bugs will be buzzing around in no time too. I can't wait to celebrate it all. Spring is a special season and I'm so glad it's here now.

If only the seasons could stand still, I'd happily live in this one forever
To watch you bloom all year round, you would brighten every day of mine

My world adorned in flowers ~ it's beautiful.

The image and design are mine.

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