Favorite Food Can Kill 🥴

@ariylove asked a question; is there anyone without a favorite food?
Well, I dare say I am that person. Quote me right, I think I am, I am not sure🤣
This is because some months or years ago I did have a favorite food and I keep singing it everywhere I go.
Naturally, I don't like balls, and when I say balls, I mean soup and eba or garri, I prefer spoon food.

Initially, I believed my favorite food used to be two major meals, one of it is pasta (spaghetti) and the other is my local delicacy Ekpang Nkukwu (Wateryam and cocoyam pudding) only an Akwa Ibomite or Calabar personnel would know this dish or people who have been opportune to taste it.



Of the two dishes, the spaghetti had always been my most used everywhere I am asked for my favorite food, just imagine that. I wonder what was so special about pasta that made me love it that much, maybe for the fact that I could prepare it to the taste of everyone lol.
So when I saw this contest, the first thing to pop up in my mind was spaghetti and then the local dish I mentioned. It seems my subconscious mind still believes I have a favorite dish and I am just denying it in order to please myself and answer the question @ariylove asked 🤣 (sorry dear for numerous tagging)

My Favorite Food?

Well, let's forget pasta, that would be Ekpang Nkukwu, my local dish. If you have ever tasted this dish raise your hands, gather here, and let's share the testimony of this meal lol.
This dish is a combination of so many things and this is why it is very nutritious and good for the health.

I had my bad experience eating too much of it and this is to show you how much I love this food. I ate it to the brim one day that I almost passed out🤣🤣 that is story for another day, but I want to remind you not to overfeed though, too much of everything is not good, except you are inviting death to your doorsteps.

How To Prepare My Favorite Food?

PS: These are the ingredients we mostly use, they are many other methods and ingredients used to prepare this meal


  • Cocoyam
  • Wateryam
  • vegetable leaves
  • scent leaves (optional)
  • crayfish
  • Ice Fish
  • Maggi
  • Salt
  • Onions
  • Pepper (fresh or dry)
  • Palm kernel Oil
  • Periwinkle (very important 🤣)
  • Cocoyam Leaf
  • Water etc


  • Peel and cut the water yam and cocoyam

  • Wash it in clean water and put it inside a clean bowl

  • Grater the water yam and cocoyam into a clean stray.




  • Cut the periwinkle and wash it till clean.



  • Grind or pound your pepper and crayfish

  • Slice the onions into a clean plate

  • cut the cocoyam leaf into small pieces.



  • Slice the vegetable leaf as well into a clean plate.

  • Grease your cooking pot with the palm kernel oil.

  • Mix the grated water yam and cocoyam together, add a small amount of salt and mix well.



  • Cut the mixture and wrap it bit by bit using the cocoyam leaf and then place it inside the greased pot.


  • After wrapping everything, boil water till very hot and pour it inside the wrapped mixture.

  • Put it on fire, and add the foodstuff and ingredients.

  • After a while, add the sliced vegetable leaf and stir

  • Finally, when the food has boiled for a while, add your palm kernel oil.

  • Wait about a minute or two, then you put out your pot and scoop out your hot and delicious expand Nkuku, ready to be served.


And that's my method of preparing my favorite local dish Ekpang Nkukwu
So the next time one asks which is my favorite meal or food just have a look at this and you will know cause this food here could have actually killed me🤣😂 just kidding though but like I said earlier, no matter how much we love our favorite meal or food, we should never give room to overfeeing, its more like a death sentence.
Here is my favorite meal for 2020 (the story might change in the coming years lol)
lol. What about yours? Share your favorite meal with us too.

Still your baby girl ;)

To my faithful readers and wonderful sponsors, my heart goes out to you guys. Thank you for making my journey here a fun-filled and exciting one. Thanks for trusting and supporting my work too. I pray that God blesses you all real good :)

              2nd April 2022


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