Bringing Avatar Aang To Life


Greetings guys, trust we’re all good. It’s all about fantasy today and maybe a very good topic for us all. Maybe a bit more interesting for us movie lovers and maybe an even tougher choice to decide which fiction we would want to bring to life.

I have quite a number of fictional movies I have watched and liked that ended up making this quite a dilemma but I finally decided that if I had the chance to bring a fictional character to life, it would be Avatar Aang, the last Air bender.


Ever since I watched the last air bender many years ago, I have always been in love with the movie. I recently about 3 months ago finished watching the entirety of the
seasons for like the third or fourth time. 🙈

Imagine we all had the chance to bend an element; air, fire, water or earth. That would be quite amazing provided we all used it for good unlike the fire nation attempting to use their fire to rule the entire world. I am not sure if the word “attempting” is right here because they did for a long time manage to rule most parts for the world.

This is not a review to the last air bender or me choosing to bring the last air bender world to life so I would try to limit myself and not talk too much about the series itself.

Why would I want to bring Avatar Aang to life? As the world progresses and we’re making so much progress in development, I like to think it is at a cost. Why do I say this? Most of us have become so self centered. We just want to move forward alone and not include others. To find people with genuine intentions now is quite scarce.


Avatar Aang was one human who had all or most of the right qualities we should desire to have. Humility, humbleness, love, care, kindness, respect, you name it. Aang was instilled with so much good morals that even taking the life of a bad person was not okay with him. As we saw through the movie and especially in the end when he was faced with either taking the life of fire lord Ozai or finding a way not to.

Aang would go to great lengths to avoid fighting and was often seen as weak by the more ruthless humans. Avatar Aang only used force when absolutely necessary and I wouldn’t mind bringing him to life if it meant he would became the leader of the world.

Also, imagine we had just one human being who could earth bend, air bend, water bend, fire bend, blood bend and metal bend which he learned later in the series. Just the Avatar and no other human being. That much power bestowed on one human could put human lives in jeopardy but I’m confident it will be put to good use in the hands of Avatar Aang.

With all the war going on in the world. Aang would find a way to talk some reason into the bad rulers and possibly take them down if he had to.

So, for this reason and because of how good Avatar Aang was, I would prefer bringing his fictional character to life.

Thank you.

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