Love is a beautiful thing that everyone crave for, no matter how stiff headed some people act or behaves, everyone wants to love and be love in return, although if we're lucky to get it for free or by chance, love require a price for it to be sustain and as well maintained, but one question most people ask is if love can love be bought, and if money is the price to be paid to acquire love?.


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Like I said earlier love is a beautiful thing, and when you see someone who's in love and is also previlege to be loved in return, you'll notice such person experience a whole new level of peace and happiness beyond what could be liken to other peace and happiness instigator.

Despite the fact that everyone crave for love, it seems to be a hard to get commodity in our presently general, because most love being rendered out there now are meer camouflage, and are only lust or love born during to one or two things that could be gotten in return for being in a relationship with such individual.

So in a bid to understand the subject matter and all that revolves around it, I'll talk about the following;

  • What is love?
  • So what then is needed to have the right type of love?
  • Does love have a price?, If yes, what's the price?

What is Love

Biblically God's love, but view love from the subject matter and how we see it then we can say love is act of having a concrete emotional feelings for someone or something.

But type of love are great, but then most people claim to love you know only because they hope to get a thing or two from you, and that's the same way some people deal with God as well, they only remember they love and have him when they are in need.

So What Then Is Needed To Have The Right Type Of ove?

To get the right type of love, then there are some character we must exhibit ourselves, such as being kind to everyone around us, always helping the needy and as well being compassionate, in other words you should posses all what you're on the lookout for from the other person.

To be love and get the right type of love, then you must be on the look out, be sure not to get carried away by the meer mouth confession of people about there feelings for you, their character and main reason why they were with you will surely pop-up several times.

Does Love Have A Price?, If Yes, What's The Price?

Nothing actually comes for free and so is love, and even we you are lucky to be love for free, like we have people who fell in love at first sight, but be it love at first sight or love that's being build gradually, then there is a price that must be paid for it to be sustained.

What's the price

To sustain love, we and our our lover must have and posses the following;

  • Commitment
  • Understanding
  • Forgive
  • Trust
  • Communication
  • Open minded
  • Submissive
  • Empathy
  • Money

With all the above listed trait, then we're on the track to achieve a long lasting healthy relationship.

And yes you saw money in my list, having all the initial traits and having no money won't help a relationship, Because aside those things, there will surely be needs that must be met, and not being able to privilege for this consistency without a concrete reason, is like biding farewell to our partner.

Although money or materials items shouldn't be a driving force of a relationship, and when we see that our partners prioritize money over other stuffs in a relationship, then we should quickly identify such redflag and run before it becomes to late.

The write-up was inspired by the @hive-learners Community feature topic money for love, you can go through the post kronias by to get details and hopefully write your view on the subject matter, aside that few free to drop your opinion, compliment and criticism of my opinion in the comments section, I'm open to learning more from you.

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