The Complexities of Cancel Culture: Impact and Personal Reflections || HPUD

Prior to the advent of social media, I'm not sure I've heard about the word cancel culture, but since its inception, we've come to see many things emanate, and one of such is cancel culture, which is a way of showing displeasure to an individual or organized words or actions, and that could go as far as making sure such a person isn't supported or patronized, and this has led to questions as to whether such is right or wrong. Today, I'll be sharing my take on the subject matter.


But it's worth noting that this act isn't new because it dates back several years and was commonly addressed as boycotting then. It's a scenario where someone exhibits a base character or says something uncalled for in their bid to maintain moral quandary, and in truth, it's a good thing that we together obstruct the promotion of unacceptable words or actions, especially those that don't align with our cultural norms.

However, despite how good it's, it's worth noting that while this seems good, it has its down side, and one of those is the repercussions it can have on the victim. It's never easy to go from being widely accepted to being unwanted by everyone or being loved or patronized, and now no one wants to have anything to do with you. This can lead to depression or even far more unruly behavior to gain back their status in society.

Just last year, we had such a situation play out here in my country, Nigeria. There is the musician who, before, usually complained of being bullied by his former record label; he even wrote a petition to the police about this situation. Fast forward a few months after that petition; he died after attending a show, and immediately the news of his death spread across social media. Everyone started circulating videos of how he was calling out his former boss.

This led to many immediately saying that his former boss, Naira Marley, and his friend, Sam Larry, were the ones being killed. This led to many people canceling the music of Naira Marley and every one of the signees on his record label. Although I'm not a fan of Naira Marley, seeing this play out made me skeptical about what was happening to him and his other signee, whose reputation and career had been brought to a halt.

And by the time police later began their investigation, it was later realized that his former boss and his friend weren't even in the country for weeks before his death and didn't even come until they were invited to the police for investigation. At the end of the day, they were cleared of all accusations by the court and police, but the stigma placed on them by the people is still there.


Everyone refuses to chance their stand on canceling him, and although I'm happy about this, my reasons for being happy aren't because of the boycott, but because his music from time past is usually immoral and things that are not socially acceptable, but still people listen to it, so it seems the advent of what happened went on to open the ears of the people to that unconventional message his song was promoting and then use that to back the need to stand with this cancellation.

Since that happened last year, it's unbelievable how I've not heard anyone play his song while I'm going on the street or overheard it on the speaker of the club house beside my house, before a day can hardly go by without playing his song, so that shows how united a set of people can come together to stand for what is right. Although I don't see Naira Marley react badly to this, I think we should do this in a more sensible way.

I remember some people going as far as wishing him death and threatening his children, all in the name of canceling him. I think that has gone overboard and shouldn't be encouraged. Even though we want to reinstate the right thing into society, we shouldn't do it in a way that would affect the person's mental health. That's like using one crime to solve another.


It's a new month, and I'm wishing everyone welcome to the month of June. Happy new month, and may we all have reasons to celebrate throughout the month and beyond. Today, the first day of June, is hive power-up day. I've made it a point of duty to join all hive power-up days this year, and today I've done that as well because I'm taking the increase in my hive stake seriously.


I've powered up 20 hive today, and this takes my total hive stake to 9417 HP; that's a difference of 463 HP from the 8954 HP I had last month during the power-up day for May. I'll still continue with my daily power-up to increase my chances of meeting my goal, and I hope that is achieved.

Thanks so much for your time, have a wonderful day and stay bless.

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