The Blame Game: Who is Responsible for How a Child Turns Out?

The blame game is one that has been in existence for years, as you'll find different people pushing the blame on others when it comes to taking responsibility for something that went wrong. The same is the case in society, especially regarding when a child goes astray. We come to see parents pushing the blame on the child, the child pushing the blame on society, and society blaming the parents, but for how long will we continue in this way, and who truly should take the blame for how a child turns out between the child themselves or their parents? In this article, I'll be sharing my take on this subject matter.


You see, there are many things involved when it comes to how a child's life turns out, be it good or bad. There are several things and people that must have played a role along the line for things to go either way in the life of a child, and that's why I have the belief that just one person can't be held responsible for what happens to be the end result at the end of the day.

Of a truth, the parents can't be overly blameful regarding how their children turn out, and that's because they were the ones who ushered the child into the world in the first place. And for the fact that we aren't given a manual on how to live life at birth, as a child we're mostly at the mercy of our parents to guide us on how to go and as well teach us what's right and wrong.

And when it comes to parenting, it's good to know that we teach and influence our kids both directly and indirectly. You can easily call a child and tell them something you expect them to do that you believe is right, and while a child is expected to follow such to the later, it won't be helpful if a parent is found doing the opposite of what they told their children. As parents, our words and lifestyle must project a lifestyle that's worthy of emulation.

But aside from the parents, the child also has a role to play in how their lives turn out. You see, it's one thing to train a child; it's another thing for the child to take heed to what he or she is being taught. There have been several cases where a child is being raised by great parents, and you'll find out the majority of their children turn out well except for one who'll be odd in behavior and how their lives turn out.


In those kinds of situations, it's obvious that we can't necessarily blame the parents because there's evidence of how good parents there are from the lives of their other children, and yet their own life is entirely different. A child who refuses to take heed to the voice of his or her parents is definitely threading on the path of destruction, and such a child should take the blame for what they've become.

We've seen children who weren't raised by their parents or even raised with love or in a pleasant manner, and yet they go on to an empathy-finding young individual who's well to do a respectable. In my opinion, it's all about intentionality when it comes to these things. You, by yourself as a child, can take a decision to be good regardless of what love throws at you.

Like I always love to input when it comes to raising a child discussion, I'll also take about the society because I believe influence of the society can also take a toll in the life journey of a child, and depending on the experience such a child is faced with in the society, it can go on to shape their life, so we as a society must try to lead a positive impact on everyone we come across because we don't know what cord such will touch in their life.

So in a nutshell, I got one believe that how a child's life turns out is a shared responsibility of both parents and the child, and like I said in society as well, when everyone plays their role well enough, things will work out well, leading to a good ending for a child, but when either one fails in their role, then the path might be affected, leading to an unpleasant end for the child.

All photos are mine.

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