How lack of time management cost me my money and time

The importance of time management can never be overemphasized; it's one of the keys to being an achiever because you need to keep track of your activities and stipulate each activity in a way that it's doable within the available time. It might seem hard; loads of people regularly complain about how 24 hours isn't enough to indulge in everything they ought to do, but the adoption of time management can help one break several bonds.


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Time management was a trait I lacked at some point in my life, and if I were to tell myself the truth, then I must admit that it caused me a lot of problems, such as delays, money, and many more to mention but a few. But immediately I discovered the importance of time management and its impact on one, I held on to it as though my life depended on it, and it has helped in loads of ways. But today I'd love to share a scenario where a lack of time management has caused me a lot of trouble.

So without further ado, in this article I'll take you through a period in my life when I didn't inculcate time management and how it cost me my time and money. I hope you'll enjoy the read and also learn a lesson from it.

So it happened just last year. I was supposed to sit for a confirmation examination at my place of work, and the registration fee for that examination cost 10,000 naira. If I were to calculate the transportation fare that took me to and from to register for the exam, then everything in total, including the registration fee, will be going towards 17,000 naira. So with that done, I ought to create time to prepare for the exam, despite still having to indulge in my other work activities.

Being someone who indulges in multiple jobs in order to make ends meet, my time seems not to be enough, and rather than fish out time to read and get prepared for the examination, I kept procrastinating over and over again that I'd do some reading in the coming weeks. This continued till about 2 days before the exam, when I realized I hadn't read anything at all and would need to answer about 200 CBT questions about aspects I know little or nothing about.


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With the day just about hours away. I had no choice but to read, but it was obvious too late and in the advent of trying to assimilate all of the materials within a day. I kept making mistakes and interchanging one answer for another, and by the time the day of the exam arrives, I and my other colleagues who were to sit for the examination travel down to the location, and I must say, it was an absolute disappointment because I was the only one who failed among those of us who traveled together earlier.

The minimum score to pass the exam was 50%, and I only got 46% compared to others who had 58% and above. I was dejected throughout the journey back home, but then, fortunately, the results don't jeopardize my duties but simply mean I'll need to resit for the examination, which means I'll need to reregister again, pay the same amount, and do better. Coincidentally, the alleged exam I was talking about would be held again next Wednesday, and I've learned my lesson from the previous happenings, so this time around I've created loads of time to read and managed my time in a way whereby other stuff didn't really fall behind.

Also, one of my key time management and rescheduling strategies was to try and do some of my laundry and other activities that occupy my weekend during the week so I can have the whole of the weekend to myself to read and reread each of the materials. Hopefully, I'll do better this time around and come out with flying colors. I won't want to spend my precious time next year still worried about this exam or still wasting my money on registering because I failed to manage my time to make room for it.

That's about all on my time management skills. I hope you enjoyed the read and learned a few lessons. The write-up was inspired by the hive learners community features prompt.

NB: I make use of Quillbot grammar checker features to help correct some of my grammatical and punctuation errors after writing my content by myself.

Thanks so much for your time and support, have a blessed day.

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