Cutting the Cord

The year is running to an end, and there are loads of things many of us still want to do before the year runs out, which is pretty normal because, as humans, the urge to do things is endless. But aside from all that, there are things that, personally, I feel like I've done the last of this year and won't be doing them again until the coming year. Today, I'll tell you all about them and why.


So like I said, I've still got loads of things I want to do before this year runs out, which I still have to work around the clock to accomplish, but there are also some things I really don't see myself doing again this year, and one of them is what I slated below. This particular one is something I've not really been pleased with how it's been run, and the best thing to do at this moment is to let this be for the year.

I'm talking about nothing but my DStv satellite subscription. This subscription is what grants us the ability to access multiple TV stations and programs around the clock in a month in sub-Saharan African countries. Without this subscription, it's highly unlikely for us to watch TV channels that are outside the state or country we're in because the normal antenna can't pick TV stations from a far distance.

But the DStv, just like GoTv and StarTime, is what helps us watch multiple television stations from across the globe, and we can watch programs ranging from news, music, wildlife, movies, religion, and much more, to mention but a few, with over 600 channels. Although I love how this satellite helps us access those TV stations, what I don't like is how they run them.

The subscriptions to this satellite are done on a monthly basis, regardless of whether you watch or don't watch any programs throughout the month. At the end of that month, your subscription will be gone, and you'll have to resubscribe again for another month. In my opinion, that's pure stealing, especially in our nation where electricity isn't stable.
Image is mine

This subscription, I believe, ought to be prepaid, or better yet, pay as your watch, meaning they should bill you according to the number of hours you watch rather than just sum up a month and let the subscription waste even if you don't watch that month. So I made my last subscription in September this year when I had a visitor, and not long after that, they doubled the subscription fee, and that made me vow not to subscribe again until maybe I've got a guest coming over to my place.

Since I hardly watch TV programs except for news and sports programs that I watch once in awhile, on most days they're just there without being watched, and the subscription wastes money, so the subscription I did in September is definitely going to be the last time I'll subscribe to it this year. Aside from that, even if I want to subscribe, I've already traveled to celebrate the festive season, so subscribing this month again is not feasible because it's like a subscription without anyone watching.

So what's about it? Even by next year, I won't be subscribing because of how they doubled the subscription fee. I'd rather watch and read news via my phone and also watch football at a viewing center or stream it on my phone than pay that much when I might not watch 5 days in a month that's 30 days thereabouts, but if I'll be having a visitor, then I'll subscribe so that can be a source of entertainment for my guests.

That's about it for now. I hope you enjoyed the read. Have a wonderful night's rest, and God bless.

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