Courage and Consequences: Risks of Free Speech in Corrupt Societies

Freedom of speech and expression is a fundamental human right and shouldn't be taken away from anyone because our voice is our strength and our power to make things right. In an advent that you're not pleased with something such as leadership, without speaking out, it'll be assumed that you're okay with how things are done, but when you pour out your mind, it helps the person in question realize their wrongdoing and initiate a change. However, recently, it seems as though many are afraid to speak up due to the dangers that tend to follow those who do.


Since free speech is a fundamental human right, it shouldn't be taken from us regardless of what the case is, though reverse is the case in recent times as those in power have gone on to inflict fear on many, leading to fear of speaking up for the fear of what would happen to them if they did, and we can't entirely blame them for being afraid and not speaking up. I mean, what's the point of speaking up to initiate a change, and at the end of the day, others you're trying to fend for will go on to mind their business, leaving you to face the repercussions of your speech alone.

But then it's worth noting that when it comes to freedom of speech, it doesn't mean we should use that avenue for libel or defamation of someone else's image, as when you do such, the person involved has every right to sue you to court and make you prove your claims or apologize and face the wrath of the law for your offense. So when you talk, make sure your speech is projected in the right manner and not in a way where you're ruining someone's image without proof.

But then, that aside, here in my country, a lot of people are afraid to speak up because not just the government is corrupt but even the people. You'll find out that when you offend someone with a little pinch of power, such a person will go on to use such power to fight you, and before you know it, you'll be prosecuted for calling out what's bad, while the evil perpetrators will still walk freely.

Wisdom is profitable to direct, so in an avenue that you want to speak, my advice is that you do it with caution so as not to endanger your life or become wrong while trying to do the right thing. Knowing how to use some key words and terms can also come in handy to save you; for instance, words like alleged, said, claimed, and the like can go on to defend you and not necessarily get you persecuted like you would when you don't use them.

Although I won't say being afraid to speak up is an infringement of our right, since we don't necessarily have evidence to prove that we're being scared off, one must at least speak before you can say your right is being infringed. When you don't speak, then you can't blame anyone. Even though we can all agree that there's a force that makes us afraid, since it's not visible, we just have nothing to back our claim.

I for one won't necessarily talk all the time and don't think I've got the courage to face some top men in society, not just because I'm afraid of my own life alone, but what such people will do to my loved ones just to get at me, and that's why you see most people tend to keep quiet, and most of those who speak don't really stay in the country or have some backing of their own that'll help them during difficult moments, unlike someone like me with no one.

All photos are mine.

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