What is the value of a person?

Last night I had a discussion with my son. He was asking why the homeless situation is so bad? Why is drug use an epidemic? Why is LGBTQ+ so prevalent? Why do so many people get rejected from Med School when there is a huge shortage of doctors?

These are weighty questions to be sure, but as he is heading off to University in the fall they are questions about society and his place in it that he wants answered.


Source: Dall-E

People without worth?

One thing that really frustrated my son was the proliferation of homeless and drug addicted people.

He was upset that his community had people wandering the streets high on drugs. People who litter our parks. Illegally make campsites around the town. Make areas in our city much less safe. Indeed, discarded needles and other drug paraphenalia make a health hazard to all those around.

Why should a small number of people make an eyesore and health hazard for the rest of the community?

The financial drain

I listened to my son and his rant. I acknowledged that it certainly is a problem. I did have to add a little to his thoughts. He wants to be a doctor so I told him...

LGBTQ+ are people just like everyone else. They have intrinsic value and should be respected as such. Yes, we hold more traditional views in our home. Yes, our Bible makes statements which are very binary and as such can be seen as exclusive. However, it also says "love your neighbor" and doesn't say "sinner or non-sinner" and doesn't say "binary only". So, think carefully before you judge others..."lest you be judged". It also means Chinese, Indian, Native, Muslim, and others are also to be loved as well even if they are different from us and yes, that even goes as far as the Pastafarians (sigh). Remember, love the person even if you disagree with the viewpoints.

Moving on, homelessness and drug abuse are indeed problems for society. It is hard to look out. The rubbish they leave is an eyesore and their needles and such do make a health hazard. My son wishes to be a doctor though so I had to add. These people will make up a large portion of your patients as a doctor. Drug overdosages are an epidemic and you will be saving their lives with Narcan. In some cases you will be saving the same people multiple times a week. Recurring infections which are exceedingly difficult to treat because of poor compliance and poor nutrition. Mental health issues from depression to mental imbalance and more. Indeed you may find yourself rushing like a fool in the ER trying frantically to juggle resuscitating people from drug abuse while also trying to serve people from traffic accidents, falls, and any number of other life threatening issues.

Being young, his brain went to "Why would I waste my time with them?". "Why would we waste our resources on them?".

People are people, homeless or not

Of course my answer to that was fairly simple. People are people whether they are rich or poor, male or female, black or white, homed or homeless, healthy or unhealthy. In my opinion, every person is created by God and has intrinsic value from that simple fact.

Now my son wasn't convinced. Dad... They don't contribute anything to society. They are the people who brought this on themselves, its self inflicted!

Of course you are right in that observation son but think carefully before you start judging. Let me show you a couple of reasons why...

They brought this upon themselves

Now you mentioned that drug abusers ailments are self inflicted. They are intentionally putting poison in their body and as a Pharmacist I'll absolutely agree with that.

However, how about when your brother was in a motorcycle accident? Should he have been treated?

Of course my son said yes his brother should have been treated. However, that was also a "self inflicted" injury. My older son chose to ride too fast and chose to ride a motorcycle which is inherently unsafe. It could easily be argued that his injury was self inflicted.

How about me, son, should I be treated? Again, my son said "Yes, you should be treated Dad". Why wouldn't you be? Well, I'm overweight. That puts me at high risk for diabetes, heart attack, stroke, hypertension and more. It is also self inflicted. If I changed my diet or just didn't eat as much I'd be in a healthier weight segment. I'm willfully putting my health at risk every time I ingest a burger and fries!

My son conceded the point grudgingly (although we did argue the point a little longer). Then he said "but the fact remains that they don't contribute anything to society!"

Again, I said, be careful about that path that statement leads to. Then I took a bit of time to explain....

Contribution to society

My son believed that when he becomes a Doctor he will be a net benefit to society. As a Pharmacist myself, my wife as a Nurse, and his brother as an Electrician my son believes that we all make a positive contribution to the community at large. Add in that we participate in the church and community events and of course we are a benefit to society. Even simply through the taxes we pay all the time...that is a net benefit.

Of course I agreed with my son's statement BUT....

....What happens if the job ends?

What happens if your brother loses his job as an electrician? Does he stop being a useful member of society? Does he lose his value as a person?

What happens when I retire from being a Pharmacist? Do I stop being a useful member of society? Do I lose my value as a person?

It is absolutely true that a lot of people find their worth by what they contribute to society through their work. Doctors are prized because they heal you when you are sick. Tradesman are prized because they build the world you live in. Even janitors and maids are valued because they make your home or business cleaner and nicer to live in. Right down to the garbage man who takes away the trash

Again... What happens if the job ends?

Robots, AI, and an uncertain future

More and more though robots and AI are taking over jobs that people once did.

Even now as a Pharmacist a robot can take over the most tedious parts of getting medication into a vial with a label on it. ChatGPT can do an admirable job of providing information on the medication prescribed and its interactions.

There is a new AI program that can analyze different rashes and skin conditions and have a good chance of diagnosing and recommending treatment for it. Currently it is in testing and only available to Dermatologists. However, it could still take over a physicians job in the possible future.

Self driving cars could take over taxi's, Uber's, Bus drivers, and more.

There are already robotic bartenders and barista's which could make your favorite drinks.

There are already McDonalds which are fully automated which can make you a full McMeal without another person to serve you. Although I have heard they keep a token person in the store in case of a robotic malfunction.

In my opinion no job is particularly safe if AI and robotics continues to progress. At some point no person will be required to do work. If no person is needed for society to function then what value do people have?

My son was a little taken aback by that. He is just starting his training and in the 8-10 years it takes to become a Doctor he could find himself with no viable profession. HE could find himself unemployed and homeless! The depression from that could lead HIM to have mental issues or even lead to substance abuse.

After that he summed it up by saying "So you think I should just treat everyone all the time. Homeless, addicted, good or bad? To which I responded, No son, that's why I hope you think very carefully about your job as a Doctor.

God's perspective / Man's pragmatism

Son, if you boil everything down, it is best to treat everyone equally and fairly. You know I'm a Christian son, so here are the verses I'd cling to.

  1. "love your neighbor as yourself".

Some people have lost love and respect for themselves. Many homeless and drug addicted fall into this category. However, while THEY may have lost respect for themselves the bible says that YOU shouldn't stop loving and respecting them. Remember, they are someone's son or daughter. They were created by God and have value as a person. Period.

  1. Seventy times seven.

Someone is a "frequent flyer"? How often should we intervene? In the Bible it mentions three times. Peter thought he was generous when he said Seven times. Jesus put that notion to bed when he said "Seventy times seven" implying that you keep forgiving people and keep on doing your best for them. Over and over, on and on, if needed.

So again my son said "So you are telling me that I should just keep on fixing up people time and again, even if its self inflicted and even if the person cares nothing for their own health"

No son. The Bible also says that concessions have to be made for the fallen nature of the world.

As an example: God wants a man and woman to be united as one as husband and wife for a lifetime. However, a concession was made that allows for divorce because God also knows that people are flawed and sometimes a lifetime together is worse than death.

In the same way son, I do not envy the decisions you will have to make as a Doctor.

The simple fact is that there is only so much money to go around. There are only so many Doctor hours available to treat the sick and injured. There is only so much medicine, only so many beds, and on so many resources to help the general population.

Son, there will be times that as a doctor you will have to triage who gets treatment and who does not. Who lives and who dies. When that time comes I hope you will understand the gravity of your decision.

In a future society where jobs are scarce because robots and AI replace people. Where the divide between rich and poor becomes even bigger than it is now. In a world where life gets cheap, respect becomes forgotten and society crumbles you always remember.

God made every person and their value isn't in their wealth, their profession, or what they can give you.

Son, that is not a decision I would ever want to make. However, if you continue as a doctor I believe you will have to make those decisions at sometime.

Please think about it now...
....and don't ask me for answers. I'm not nearly qualified enough to say what you should do. My only advice....


As a side note for anyone reading this..

... Feel free to leave a comment if you agree or not.

... If you feel you have to answer to the thorny question of where to take society, especially if Robots/AI or a fragmented society move forward....well, I'd love to get some better insight than I currently hold.

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