Utopia, Hell, Criminals, Police, Immigrants and a safe nights sleep.

A Safe Place to sleep.

Source: CBC News

I know the place in the picture. It was a beautiful golf club and resort where my wife and I stayed. It is where our youngest son was conceived. As of yesterday it is nothing more than a heap of ashes.

In better times it looked like this:

Source: Unique Properties

Utopia and Hell both in the same place

I guess that can sort of describe being in Canada right now. It is a very safe place. Crime rates are low. Lots of good paying jobs. Beautiful nature to explore. A country accepting of people of all different races, cultures, religion, and sexual orientation. Utopia, right?

But it has its down side as well. For many people it is just as likely to be A living hell

Police and Criminals



Source: RCMP Website

Canada is a country where the majority of people follow the law. Following the rules and being polite is a hallmark of most Canadians. We have the Police and in general they are competent, trustworthy and dependable. Yes, I know in many countries the Police are not people to be trusted, they are to be avoided. However in Canada police are typically well respected. Of course I have no desire to have any interaction with them on a professional level but still I know they can be turned to if things go bad.


Source: Coast Reporter Newspaper

On the other side we have the criminals. Canada is typically a safe country where the majority of people follow the rules and do what is right. As a general rule you are more likely to be greeted with a smile and a hello from someone you pass on the street than be met someone who is going to harm you.

Even when I walk alone late at night I typically don't fear for my safety. If you read my Actifit posts I am often up early and out late walking the dog and I've never been assaulted or run into any issues. I've also lived in the same house for 20 years and not once had a break in. I'll admit that one time when I had to walk a few blocks with $20,000 in my pocket I was a little nervous because that was a lot of money but again, no problems.

Someone vandalized my car once by writing on it with red colour soap but it came off fast enough with warm water and a little work.

But I'm also not a fool

We absolutely have crime in my city. Thefts from vehicles happen. Murders happen. Businesses have been robbed. Vandalism happens. Assaults happen. Rape, Sexual Assault, and Domestic Violence happen.

What Fuels Canadian Crime?

Three types of criminal

  1. Organized Crime and Gangs
  2. Addicts and Mental disorder
  3. Opportunists, Malcontents and Entitled


Gangs and Organized Crime certainly operate in Canada or at least where I live in British Columbia. However, the average Canadian gang member also appreciates the stability and peaceful nature of the cities. Generally they don't both or harass the general population. Indeed if they were to go after "regular" people the police would reliably find them and take them to court. Too much work for too little reward.

Gangs are all about the money. Where is most of the money to be made in Canada? By selling drugs. Getting teenagers hooked on drugs is BIG. Keeping addicts addicted to drugs is BIG. Why bother "regular" people when you can milk your supply of addicts for regular cash?


Now addicts are people too. They have dreams and desires. They have parents and siblings. They have feelings hopes and fears.

...Unfortunately all of that is secondary to feeding their addiction. They will steal, beg, or generally make poor choices in order to get their drugs. Much of the petty crime is done by addicts seeking their next fix.

...In addition to petty crime against the general population there is also the issue of mental illness. Few if any people who are addicted to drugs keep their sanity. Once mental illness sets in maintaining a decent life, a decent home, decent relationships or decent job are all gone. Treatment is also exceedingly difficult and resources are available but nowhere near sufficient for the number of people who need them.

To quote Former Filipino present Duterte

My God I hate drugs


Source: Youtube

Other crimes

Opportunists take advantage of situations where they can get what they want for little risk. Petty theft comes to mind.

Entitled or Malcontent youths are known for graffiti, petty theft, car theft and other problems.

...and some people are just not set right. Arsonists, Rapists and other exist here just like anywhere else.

Worker Shortage

Now having a lot of good paying jobs readily available may seem like an awesome thing. I recently read a number of articles from my Nigerian friends about the difficulty finding jobs in their home country. Low pay, bad bosses, and difficult work situations led to a lot of frustration.

I'll look at the Police situation in Canada to show how having available jobs is a bad thing.

Let's look at the RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police)


I recently read an article on the CBC news about the shortage of Police Officers in Canada.




Source: CBC News

Look at those numbers or read the article. The Yukon was the best staffed but has few officers. Alberta is a well populated area and has a 15% vacancy rate. Now these aren't jobs without prestige or power. RCMP are well regarded and well paid. Just look below: Finish a training course and get $65,000 as a starting wage. Work for 3 years and make $106,000! Plus medical coverage, dental coverage, insurance coverage, pension and much much more!

Source: RCMP Website

Now look at the vacant positions (lets assume 10%, a low number) and the number of people employed at 19,000. That means that there are ALMOST 2000 Jobs available--all paying over $100,000/year!

Why is that AWFUL???

That means that Police officers all over the country are almost always short staffed because there just aren't enough staff members to cover everything!

It's the same way in Nursing, Pharmacy, Hospitals, Retail and pretty much every sector you can imagine. Too much work, too few workers which mean everyone is chronically overworked.

  • Utopia --work for everyone
  • Hell --overworked for everyone

No Place to Hide

Now the Hive Learners prompt mentioned

What's the crime rate in your vicinity? How is the night life there? Are people always free to go about or does everyone have to be behind locked doors at a certain time of the day.

The crime rate is low. Night life is around and can be lively but often subdued compared to other countries. People are truly free to go wherever they like with little worry (using a little common sense around the mentally ill of course).

does everyone have to be behind locked doors at a certain time of the day

Now that's the big question! Housing prices and Homelessness are GIGANTIC problems and just keep getting worse. My son has been trying to find a place to move into for months and he has money and a great job. How about those people who don't have money or a job?

Three Hots and a Cot

Believe it or not. Criminals are asking not to be let out early or get bail. In prison they get three meals a day, a safe place to sleep, and medical attention when needed.

People are asking to Stay in Prison because it's better than the alternative! Don't believe me? Read the article below.


How can beautiful Wilderness be a problem?

Now Canada is world renowned for wild places, dense forest, rivers, mountains and wildlife. It can be breathtakingly beautiful and awesome to experience. I would highly recommend it to anyone! What's not to love?


As I already mentioned housing is extremely expensive and hard to find. Now add forest fires into the mix. Right now the capital city of the Northwest Territories is being evacuated. West Kelowna in my province is being evacuated. Homes are being burned to the ground.

Nature is great when you go to it. Not great when it comes to you

Now Kelowna is a city of about 150,000 people which may not seem like much to other countries. But here is a little math. Vancouver area (largest city) has a population of about 1.5 million and a "vacancy" rate of about 1%. That means it could possibly fit 150,000 people without a single space being left in the city. If Kelowna has to vacate it would completely fill every available space. Not a single space would be left.

What happens to prices when there is nothing left? They SKYROCKET!

Super Expensive!


Source: CBC News

So you might say....People wouldn't fill those vacant homes. They would evacuate to hotels for a short stay until the emergency is over. Except there was a recent article that the city (Vancouver area) is pretty much out of hotel spaces. The average price of a hotel room in the city is over $300 per night. Nice hotels often go for $500 or more. Even the terrible hotels are going for $175 per night or more. Even people making good wages can't afford those kinds of prices.


Let me start by saying that Immigrants and immigration is the lifeblood of Canada. Immigrants give Canada its unique multicultural feel. They give the country a diverse workforce with a global feel. Canada without immigrants would be flavorless and much weaker.

but there is a problem

Canada is committed to allowing 500,000 immigrants every year. That's over 1% of the population of Canada and there is only a 1% vacancy rate in homes. See the problem?

I love immigrants but there is no where for them to live!

It's like wanting to have guests of family over. It's great to have them visit...but if you ask them to stay you should have a place for them to sleep!

The biggest crime in Canada

Now I probably rambled far more than I should have. I wandered off topic way too much but I'm going to talk about the biggest crime I see in Canada right now.

The amount landlords charge for rent.

Where I live it wouldn't be outrageous to see a house for rent in the $3000-$5000/month range. Head closer to the city and $5000-10,000/month range. The median wage in Canada is only about $4,000/month which means that renting a house just isn't possible. Apartments can be in the $2000-4000 so they aren't really much more affordable.

I understand the economics behind why landlords do what they do. Still, charging so much money is the true crime keeping Canadians from sleeping well at night. To sum everything up:

Canada is an awesome place.
... Because its awesome its getting very crowded!

Canada is a very safe place.
... Provided you can find a place to live!

Are Canadians free to go wherever they want....
.....sure if you can afford a place to stay once they get where they are going.

Are Canadians free to enjoy nightlife and events?...
.....sure if they have any money left over after paying for rent and food

Do Canadians need to be behind locked doors at any given time of day?...
.....Not at all! but I'm sure that many Canadians wish they could be!

Thanks for reading

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