How are we all doing? I hope this meets you well and good. The last prompt about MY FAVOURITE FOOD, for me, was a dope one. You should check it out.

So, this brings us to this new week edition:

Week 04 - Edition 01 Topic

Tell us about an exotic location you would very much love to visit. It does not have to be in your country, and it does not matter that you have not been there before. Just tell us a little about it and why you would love to go there one day.

Oh, how I love this topic here. For me, I already have a picture already of where I’d love to retire when I grow old. I have tried to check out countries that could fit the description in my little head but I could not find any though. So, for the purpose of this piece, I guess I will stick to the features my own Utopia.

Growing up, I have always been a witness of loud sounds in the neighborhood by night due to the epileptic power supply in the country. For me, this just causes noise pollution all around but who am I to talk, cos I’d do that too. No one had any choice. This stems out now to one feature I’d love my Utopis to have is to operate 100% on clean energy and not fossil fuels which entails noise and air pollution. In fact, I am planning (in my head though) that I’d purchase a large expanse of land filled with trees then my home would just be set in the middle of it away from pollution. These tress would also enhance the clean atmosphere. You know clean atmosphere, clean energy equals clean heart, name it.



Moreover, I when hammered on the word clean earlier on, it is not just limited to energy alone but another real deal for me - food. I’d love my Utopia to be riddled to natural foods and not those ones canned for quite a long time. Vegetable galores, fruities etc. better be the other of the day there.



Besides, if it were to be a place at last, that sort of exotic place must be one that is not too costly for me, I am not saying I will always settle for the cheapest. At times, the cheapest does not imply quality and same way the expensive does not too. This kind of place must be pocket friendly.

All my life, I have always been fascinated by tourists sites and attractions that I do watch on television while groiwing up. There must or, let me say, should be those kinds of sites where one could go to to cool out and see the very wonders of nature right before my eyes.

In terms of climate and weather, I think Iove my country for that because here we have just two (major) seasons: the dry and the wet seasons. Here we do not have harsh weather conditions, all are just kind of okay, at most it coud only be a little bit above average. And not those places you may have to wear hoodies for the rest of the year. So, what I am saying in essence here is for the conditions to be just fine, even to the point that I could lie in the sun wearing a short and maybe a singlet, by the beach and under an umbrella with a bottle of champagne by my very side. Well, and maybe my babe. Sounds like a vacation, right?



Very well, I know you must be thinking, “Does this kind of place exist?” Well, I don’t know, maybe that is why I called it Utopia. But some day, I would recreate this for myself in my home country.

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