Goodness is Contagious : Start the Chain today.

We middle class always gets the best of the adulting lesson since childhood. Being brought up in a small town, we alwsys value being respected and to respect others in the society. That's what has been taught to us since childhood. And we make sure to follow on it without being distracted. We usually get many life lesson since childhood in an endvour to become a good human being. I remember, My Mom always teaches me to do good for others. There is a Hindi phrases which says :

कर भला तो हो भला |

"Kar bhala to ho bhala" is a Hindi phrase that means that "you reap what you sow" or "as you sow, so you reap". It is a simple advice that means "do right, and you will see the same done to you". Either by the grace of almighty or by the others people who benefited withnour goodness. Obviously we need people to bring changes in society. The more we do the good the world will becomes more beautiful.

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Walking on those good lessons, as I stepped into adulthood, I found myself nowhere. Especially when I found myself surrounded by mean and selfish people in big cities. Life is not easy facing such people who happens to contact you when they were in sort of need. All the childhood lessons were in drain looking around. But again, It is not easy to shake the strong foundation. And the lessons that we learned at home from our families remain the backbone and shows the true nature / character of our personality. So it is alwsys advisable to be what we used to be rather than changing our core values at the last moment. Likewise, I alwsys carry, whatever good lesson taught to me at home. Helping others, smiling , respecting are few to name. My Mom always insisted me to do goodness to other. She never wanted me to be a bad guy or to hurt someone intentionally or unintentionally. Focusing on her importsnt lesson, I always make sure to do good to other as much as possible.

Embrassing Goodness!

There were many instances where, I step ahead to help other, be it offering seats to needy passengers in public transport, or to help someone with money, or to offer some food. Goodness can comes in any form. I remember an instance, which touched me very deeply and I feel proud to be one that brought the change in the office.

there was an outstation guy, quite humble and less spoken. He was not from my office team. He happened to seat alone and take his lunch from the office mess. While we carry our own home cooked food. Many a times, I noticed he never takes the lunch properly. May be new to the place, and less spoken not many were his friend. Neither his tem member take notice of his behavior. One day, I approached him only to find his dislike to the place as he was missing his family. This is quite common to many to feel home sickness at a new place. I understood his feeling and soon started taking him with our team member. I started sharing my food to him, which ate happily. Seeing this, my team member too started mingling with him and started offering their foods too. Theybused to take him on breaks too. Soon we noticed a smiling faces in him. He started liking the place. Not only this, we arranged a room for him and arranged all the necessary set up. We alwsys stick around so that he does not miss anyone at home. What I liked more was my team member attitude who take care of him like their family. So what started as just a help soon becomes an act of goodness.

Seeing this, his team member too started taking care of him and he adapted to the all new office environment. Being a human being, it is important to make a difference in someone's life today. Be it anyone.

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Multiplier effect !

There was a #Bollywood movie "Jai Ho" inspired by #Hollywood film ‘Pay It Forward’ which inspire us to spreads a life changing mantra of the circle of goodness, giving and generosity among each other's. The movies direct us to to teach that "Goodness is redeemable". If someone shows us a random act of kindness, we pay it forward to three other people. And they will pass it on the ‘act of kindness’ to three more each. A multiplier effect on millions – snowballing into a mass movement of goodness.

The goodness chain is stronger than any one link. At times when, there is war, rages and aggression all around, I think we are missing every bits of the goodness in the society. We need to bring in the change. The world needs more kindness, Be the change we want to see in the world. Start a goodness chain today, and make the world a brighter place. Let's make it happen!


Namaste @steemflow

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