Some Funny Memories I Want to Reminisce

Original Image Source: Ketut Subiyanto- Modified by @saydie

As I am right now, I would say that I am living a decent life. There were problems here and there but there would also be things to celebrate and be happy for, including many funny moments. Moments by which just by remembering them, it could easily brightens my day and motivates me to face the difficulties of life. Too bad, I always forget to capture those moments with my phone as I was busy laughing my lungs out but there were also some moments that me and my friends gets to preserve in the digital confines of internet that we can always go back to even when we get old. I would also like to share this funny moments in Hive so that they would also forever remain in the blockchain.

This story goes back when I was in college. We were 3rd year and it was the last day of class before the semester break which means that we will have some few weeks of vacation before we would see each other again and for that, me and my college friends have planned to eat at Samgyeopsal in a Korean restaurant after the final class ends. But one of my friend did not show up at school and seems like want to make his vacation a day earlier. This has made us disappointed because we would not be complete and almost think of canceling our plans but we later decided to proceed. At the same time, I have come up with plan for revenge for him ghosting us and suggested that we should make his picture the background image of our phone and take a group picture with a sad expression while holding all our phones with our friends picture to make it seems like we were grieving even if no one really pass away. Witnessing what where doing, everyone in the room started to burst into laughter but we were trying to contain our laughter in order the shot but after that, we all laugh so hard thinking what our friend will do if he saw our picture when we post it on Facebook. Later on, we post it on Facebook which have gathered almost a thousand likes with the laughing emoji.


Fast forward in my 4th year during one of our OJT days. Me and my fellow OJT students have just finished our lunch and was about to return to the office but not before we passed on a Family Savers convenient store to grab some Ice cream. Their Ice Cream machine was self service and just for 25 PHP (around.50 $), whatever fits on your ice cream cone was yours to take as long as you do not go for re-fill. One by one, each of us goes to the machine to grab some ice cream. I was already full with my lunch so I just grab the right amount the other seems to want more of the ice cream and decided to take as much as they can. But they say that nothing comes from having to much and for being greedy which my fellow OJT students will learn on this but for us who goes to watch them, it was a funny moment we always gets to laugh about.

The first one was Karl who was also my classmate and was also seen in my first image who have tried to make his ice cream as high as possible but the machine rings which is to tell that the rest of the ice cream that would come out of the machine would be hard enough so what happens was that some falls to the floor.

Justine on the other hand wait for minutes before to get ice cream and it seems at first look that the ice cream was shaping well until suddenly, it fells apart which he reflexively catches causing his hands to have ice cream on it.

Witnessing the other two failing miserably on their approach, Eris tries a different strategy to fill his cone. Instead of making it as tall as possible, he goes for the width which have work but he was not satisfied by it and take a look on which part he can add more ice cream. What he did wrong was that he did not hold the cone straight, causing for the ice cream to fell which he also catches, causing him to also have ice cream on his hands.

Overall, we enjoy our ice cream and as we proceed to the building where they were able to wash their sticky hands, still laughing on the outcome of their attempt to get more ice cream that fails. There were other moments that I want to tell but this post would be too long so I would just stop with this two.

Life is a mixture of many emotions. We get to sometimes feel sadness, fear, disgust or even anger which are all negative emotions but every time we experienced a happy or enjoyable moments in life all of this negative emotions were easily been forgotten with joy and positivity. There are even moments where life was incredibly hard, causing people to get depressed but just looking back on old funny memories makes us suddenly smile and let us continue with our life.

That was it for this post. Thank you and see you at the next one!

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