Spreading the Wonders of Hive to Others


Original Image Source: Mohamed Hassan-Pexels- Modified by @saydie

I'm really glad and lucky that I was able to discover the wonders of Hive blockchain. Not only that I was able to earn through the content I make but I was also able to grow as an individual, practice my English, engage to different types of people around the world and express myself without the fear of being censored for my opinions. So as an individual that benefited from using hive, it is only commons sense that I would extend my hand and help others and introduce them on Hive and if they are already here, support them so that they would retain in the blockchain.

Onboarding People

When it comes to inviting people on board, I invited a few of the people I know before and many of those did not provide good results. Some of them, upon not receiving the support after the effort that they put lose their motivation while some others wants to do more but they were occupied by other priorities. There were even some that due to their busy schedule, has become inactive in making content even after they have increased their reputation to 50+ and received decent amount of support.


Image from my Making Another Business Card for Hive post in participation for Hive Business Card Design Contest by acidyo.

The most recent one that I have tried to onboard this 2 people by the means of Splinterlands 3 months ago. I have given each a Spellbook code that is worth 10$ each which allows them to access the play-2-earn feature of Splinterlands which also has a free 3$ worth of credits for them to rent cards. I even delegated some of my cards for them to use for the condition that they would also make blog about the game. For those that do not know, every Splinterlands account automatically creates a Hive account for the players and there are 3 curation contest that Splinterlands holds every week were each player can participate.

They were very enthusiastic with the idea and wants to continue doing it but sadly, both of them eventually quits due to both using mobile phones where blogging could be more of a challenge and that their area has slow internet. I hope when things gets better for them, they would go back to the platform and when that happens, I will be glad to support them again.

On the other hand, It's not exactly that I was able to onboard someone new on Hive but I was able to encourage others that are already using it by playing Splinterlands to also explore more of the Hive blockchain and blogging and I would take that as a win for Hive.

One of them was @shawnnft that many of you already know as one of the active members of the community in terms of making content and engaging in the community discord but beyond anyone's knowledge, Shawn's Hive journey did not have a good start. If I remember it right, he made a poetry for his first post followed by his introduction post but unfortunately, both does not receive much support which have discourage him to make blog for months.

During those months, we were just chatting casually between our fellow guild mates on Balthazar Guild which is a gaming guild we are both members of and at some point I have disclosed Shawn's age in response to a guildmate's question. This has shocked him and wonder how did I learn of those details and told to him that I have come across his blog and I think this has been what leads to how I encourage him to get back to blogging by using the appropriate community and entering Splinterlands contest.

As soon as he gets the hang of it, he begins to start exploring other communities to blog. He also have onboarded some of his friends to Hive and was and as the current Co-leader of our guild he even conducts a forum to onboard our fellow guild members into blogging. He was also the admin of the Eating Out community. He was such an efficient blogger and was really proud on what he achieved and was glad that I was able to give him some the push to come back in blogging.

Providing Materials to help users on their Hive Journey

Without any guidance, constructing a blog could prove to be difficult on a regular person that was just recently introduced on hive. If they do not post on the right community and use the proper tags, most likely, their post would not be supported and muted. Aside from that, the absence of a thumbnail and not having the necessary knowledge of markdowns could lead to an ugly post which would attract less people. As a means of further helping the people that I have tried to onboard on hive, I also dedicate myself to make blogging tutorial that I could let the people I invited to read and from there, I would teach them if there are something that they do not understand.

Peakd Post: A Guide For My PeakD Posting Process by @saydie- Peakd logo owned by Peakd and SPL logo and Image owned by Splinterlands

The reference that I made was mostly from Splinterlands as I advised the majority of the people I invited to begin with the Splinterlands community then slowly expand on other communities that they have interest but despite that, it provides the markdowns necessary to start a post regardless of the community. I also include tips on making thumbnails to make it look aye catching on the post and when it was shared on other media platforms but the guide does not stop there, I also provided the HTML counterpart for each markdown codes to provide an alternative which sometimes can result to better layout.

Concluding Thoughts

When it comes to spreading Hive to the world, it's not just enough to says people could earn from this platform but we also need to provide the necessary knowledge to make it easier to start their Hive journey and providing support to them by means of upvotes and engagement. But even with our efforts, this does not guarantee that everyone that we try to invite would remain. After all, each people have their own wills so if they choose to stay, I would take that as a win but if they don't, I hope that they would reconsider it the next time.

That was all for me on this post. Thank you and see you at the next one!

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