Tasty Chicken Peas Recipe

Assalam o Alikum

Hello, Hive family members. As you know today is Sunday means fun day. So today is the end of the week and officially a person doing job is on weekly rest. As you know I am doing job and the Executive Director of a food items manufacturing concern. Today is my official rest so I decided to utilize my Sunday into my passion. My passion is to cook new dishes. Today I plan to cook a new recipe called chicken peas. This is a beautiful combination of Chicken along with vegetables. As you all of know we are in holy month of Ramzan. In this holy moth almost all of Muslims offer fasting. In Ramzan every one want to try new dishes with full of nutrition to boost their body energy level. So this recipe fits as per every person requirement. Today I want to share this tasty and delicious Chicken peas recipe with all of you.


  • Two medium size fresh tomatoes
  • Twenty to twenty-five cloves of Garlic
  • One Inch Size of Ginger
  • Four Medium size Onion
  • Six Fresh Green Chilli’s
  • Some Fresh Coriander
  • Salt as per requirement. We used 2 table spoons
  • Red chili crushed and powder mixed 2 table spoons
  • Turmeric Powder 1 table spoons
  • Coriander powder 1 table spoon
  • Gram masala powder 1 table spoon
  • Gram masala Whole 1 table spoon
  • Peas half Kg
  • Chicken Half Kg
  • One cup Cooking Oil
  • Three cup of Water
  • Cooking Preparation:
    First of all, we have to peel of all peas and gather it into a bowl. Then we start washing the chicken and pour it into another bowl. After this we take fresh coriander leaves and get wash them properly and after washing it we start chop all the fresh green coriander leaves into small pieces. We take green chilies get them wash and also cut them into small pieces. Peel off the garlic cloves and cut into small pieces. Then cut off the skin of Ginger and cut into small pieces. Take tomatoes and washed them and cut into small pieces. Peel of the all four onions and peel of their skin and also cut them into small pieces.

Cooking Procedure:

Then we take a cooking pan and get it washed and put it on the stove. Let the stove on to start heating the cooking pan. Put the oil in to it and wait until it got hot. When oil is hot then put tomatoes, onion, Ginger, garlic into the hot cooking oil and start stir properly. Then after two or three minutes later put the meat into it and start stirring. Until the meat got full fried put the cutted Green chilies in it and then put all the spices we separated earlier. Salt, crushed and powder mixed red chili, turmeric powder, coriander power, garam masala whole and garam masala powder into this frying meat. Then cook all the material on low flame eight to ten minutes and Stir all material until all masala are fried and meat is almost tendered. Then pour three cup of water and cover the cooking pan at a low flame.

After tweve to fifteen minutes later remove the cover of cooking pan and check the thickness of liquid. this is almost half of the water remaining in the pan. so at the end put the cutted
green coriander leaves on it for garnish and the Tasty Chicken Peas are ready to serve. I hope you will love to enjoy my recipe shared to you via my Creative Sunday activity with all of you my friends.

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