Screen Time Matters in our Lives !


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Hello Hive Family, today my topic is to express my views regarding how much Screen Time matters to myself. Due to Globalization everything around by us is changing day by day. We are doing our best to update ourselves according to the norms and values of society. The society is evolving day by day due to this big change called Globalization. This time is called age of information technology era. Information technology is the era where everything is easy to access and learn about the culture, Politics, History, Geography, Science and also about spiritual values of any society.

Information technology used different tools according to their needs. For example, if u like to read a book, u can visit any free online book reading site for fulfilling your need without paying any cash or consumption of any time like travel to a book store or without incurring any additional cost on this wish. Information technology make this easy for ourselves to save our cost and time.

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Now a day, Same like all other aspects of life we are not complete without help of Latest Information Technology advancement. These Cell phones are the best example of the Information technology advancement. These cell phones replace the latest version of computers called laptop. Use of Laptop is more convenient and easy as compare to use of computer. But latest advanced model of cell phones use operating systems of IOS and android make cell phones minicomputer. In these latest version of operating systems develops a new world for the society. Everything is fingertip movement away from everyone to get in this world. If you want to shopping, you can use online shopping sites. If you required to learn about any subject, you can go to visit any online learning site and getting online lectures about required subjects, chapter etc.

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Now a day social media plays a vital role in our society and also increase our screen time usage of Cell Phones. I share you my personal story about my experience regarding my screen time. I used cell phones as per our society norms. I was doing job in last few years ago in a big manufacturing industry. I am insecure there about my future and my personality growth and feel discomfort there so I resign from my job and starting my own business. Now I have much spare time for personal life after completing my business work so social media usage is increased day by day in mobile for learning about business and industry position, these social media help me a lot in this field. Social media has increase our screen time due to availability of versatile and vast knowledge of different society. Due to all these reasons most of my time spend on mobile daily basis. My screen time goes to at least 12 hours in a day. After some days, I realised much of my time spend on mobile daily. I manage my screen time by applying limit on mobile for screen time. Then after that I plan my screen time for my social needs along with business purposes to learn.
According to my personal experience screen time is matters in our lives. It shapes our personality. There is a big argument behind this statement, that more screen time depicts your more time spending and more interest towards a specific thing. Screen time has more impact on our daily life as well because of our time spending on it.
Recently my one of my best friend @itwithsm introduce me a social platform for Blogging Called Ecency. It is a nice addition in my screen time. Screen time used at ecency helps me a lot in my social life.


Conclusion of the article is that screen time matters on our lives. We have managed our screen time to help to improve our daily lives, because it has more impacts on our lives other than anything.

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