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I have so many wishes to make but the Hive Learner prompt says we should make just one wish. If I would begin to mention my wishes, probably a thousand word would contain my wishes at the moment. Even if I was to pick just the needful wishes asides the ones that are meant for mere desires, two pages of a book would be filled of words.

Except you aren't human, why wouldn't you have many wishes both the needful and ones that are for just desires like wealth, riches, fame, class, respect and many more. Other needful wishes might be to have a job, marriage, a house, and steady basic amenities.




Since the prompt is constrained to one wish, it would be BULL RUN ON HIVE. It would be a very great experience to see Hive move up to $1, even $3+ this year. I am sure everyone wants this too.

I really want and not just wish for a bull run this year because 2024, next year needs to be better than this year. I would be needing to venture into some serious career next year and money would be part of what will make it easier to start, stay and finish to expertise in these careers I am planning to start.

My opinion about money is that, Money affects everything and every part of ones life. It affects positively or negatively depending on how it is utilized. Like I said earlier, next year has to be better and easier; I have more funds to spend next year in school mostly because I will be resuming a level which is mainly about Farm Practice Year where we will be having back 2 back practicals on both plants and animals. The school will give us portions of land to clear and cultivate some plants on them. Money will be required from we the students for some of these practicals.

There are other ways I could earn money too but, having a bull run on Hive will make it better and easier. I also want to get a new laptop for my graphic design skill, my currently laptop screen resolution is not good enough, plus, I would be starting my tech career, front-end development properly this year; hopefully I get access to the platform to learn this year.


Money contributes to a having a peaceful life. It might not bring a 100% peace but it contributes a lot.

Generally, a bull run at this period would be a great thing for everyone who is one way or the other involved in Cryptocurrencies. Like bloggers on Hive, we earn daily from just posting and engaging here; and it could be earned in other ways like buying tokens here or being an investor.

And for bull run to happen then BTC price most also go up enough since it performance affects other altcoins and tokens. Presently, aside Hive, I do not hold any token on this Blockchain for now; I am planning to start that very early next year by God's Help.

Thank you for reading till the end

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