Noise (2).png

It has always remained a funny memory each time I remember how I confronted this guy at that time because my sister (17 year old) was almost crying due to fear and his manner of approach.




It was early January that year and there is this annual Christian Program that holds every second week of January. The Christain Association of Nigeria (CAN), a body of all churches in Nigeria regardless of the denomination, where all churches in a community plan to meet in a particular church in the same area. Seven churches are selected each year and it lasts for just a week: thanksgiving service is done on the last day Which is always a Sunday.

So after one of the service, the whole congregation were on their way going back to their various houses, including my sister and I. This guy chubby guy shows up from the behind and called my sister, held her hands and started walking a bit faster than I was. They attend the same school so I didn't bother and was just playing while walking back home.

Few minutes later, I saw my sister trying to take her hand off the guy's hand but the guy was a stronger, he was even laughing. I didn't see it as anything until my sister voiced out saying "leave me alone" several times. He left her when he saw that he was drawing the attention of other people on the road.

He then called her silly in our dialet (ode) and he started laughing again, making jest of my sister because doesn't want him as her boyfriend. He said she was too churchy and doesn't know the latest things happening. This continued for up to 5 minutes.

*** I decided to intervene at this time*** as he tried holding her hands again. I felt I needed to help my sister at that point because she was almost crying (she is very emotional). I opened my small mouth and said e fi egbon mi le na (leave my sister alone) -- he didn't respond then I had to raise my voice up the second time. He said "who am I" he obviously knew who I was but just wanted to make me feel inferior.


I ran towards him, jumped a little and pushed him but he seemed as though all my force had no effect on him. I got very angry when he started laughing at me, so, I decided to call him names like big head, fool and fat. Yeah! those names got me his attention so he left my sister to hold me and maybe beat me but he couldn't catch me cos I was way smaller and he was quite chubby.

I laughed out loud as he chased me trying to catch me. He got tired and said he would catch me another time, and I gave another annoying laugh. A woman far behind us said "yes you're a man, don't mind that big boy" she was talking to me. And I felt a happy that someone commended me for confronting someone who was 7× my size.

I went to meet my sister but she didn't say anything to me, I was not even bothered that she didn't. I was more focused on what I did with that big boy that got a "NO" from my sister. I knew he wouldnt come back or anything silly anytime we meet again because our houses are not too far from each other and how would he exolain himself to my parent and his when the news gets out that he was asking a girl out (and also beat her brother for defending his sister). I guess no guy at that age would want that.

Even now, I am proud I defended my sister without fear (though I know I was just a kid).

Thank you for reading till the end.

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