Applying filters are fun but....

Someone said to me that adding some form of filter to photos is the way of life. I just couldn't stop smiling because, yes, it is partly true. I don't completely agree with that because filters deceive one. What filters do is manipulate colours, change saturation, adjust the light exposure and also simulate a change in focus.


An unfiltered photo of mine with my previous phone

I don't have the app but it came with my phone which is embedded in my camera. I do use a filter so much because I feel it is for fun and entertaining myself by giving different colours and giving my skin a smooth one. So many ladies have made it a custom to use filters whenever they snap a photo of themselves which they post and someone who hasn't seen them before would think that is their real self which brings out more of their beauty but when they decide to meet a particular person for the first time, it becomes an issue of "what I saw online vs what I am seeing physically". In the end, it ruins a date because, to the other person, the girl is trying to fake her natural self.


Filtered photo of mine


Whenever I take pictures, I may decide to use a filter or not depending on my mood and also, I make sure not to indulge in using it more so I don't get used to it. Filters are more like adding makeup to one's face thereby changing the age of someone making the fellow look younger than she is, making the colours vibrant and fascinating, and also giving the photos a cooler color temperature.

Filters give smooth and flawless skin and this process has made a lot of girls get used to it that they can't do without adding filters to all their photos. Yes, filters beautify the face making it look slimmer than normal but it has its consequences of taking the real image.


My actual reason for using filters in my photos was because I had low self-esteem then, thinking I wasn't beautiful naturally unless I had some touch of beauty through the process, and when I post, I get good compliments which would make me laugh knowing I was deceiving people. I had to stop doing that and accept who I am. If I need to filter my photos today, it isn't because I am not too sure and confident of my amazing look but to make it fun and entertaining myself with it.


I have never been deceived by someone's pictures physically but it has happened online many times. Filters could transform someone which would leave you in shock when you see their real look. They say the best time to see a girl's real look is to visit her at her house very early in the morning while she is just waking up. I have heard a lot of stories of how some guys were deceived by girls who have been using filters for them and thought that is how they look in real life only to be served breakfast mere seeing each other physically.


I don't see using filters to be wrong though but it becomes bad when it's too much that you cannot do without it. This is why I try to moderate using such on my photos as I wouldn't want to deceive anyone. I want to be seen as the way I am and not add an artificial look to myself. I prefer you see who I am than fake it because girls mostly fake their appearances online and they are embarrassed at the end of the day.

Unfiltered (Original)Filtered

Image is mine

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