The Unusual Way I Rang Into The New Year

The Unusual Way I Rang Into The New Year

Hello everyone, good day and welcome to my blog.

I had a remarkable Christmas celebration because I got lots of presents I've never thought I will get but then the new year came in a grand style.

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The night of 31st December, (New year Eve) was filled with a lots of fun play and activities that we usually do till before the new year. I have been feeling symptoms of cough and catarrh that I could tell I'll literally fall sick the next day. I told my friends that day what I was feeling because they became worried that I wasn't giving back the positive energy I am supposed to be given that night.

I hardly fall sick and if at all I become sick then it's mostly catarrh and cough. One funny thing is that as simple as the sickness looks like, it deals with me very well and can make me go lean like someone extremely sick. I couldn't continue walking with my friends that night and had to rush down home to take some rest. I slept and woke up the next day with my nose running and my throat hurting. The part I hate so much about it is the running nose, I couldn't go out of the room for the whole day and that was how I spent the new year. It was actually unusual of me, because it never happened to me that way. I intended to go and take some chill coconut yoghurt on new year day and maybe visit two or three friends before coming home but I accomplished none of my plans.

I spent the whole new year without stepping outside, the only time I came out was to take my bath and that was all. Thank God I have amazing friends who came around with some new year rice and chicken for me, I also informed them to get some drugs for me of which they did so on their way coming to my house. I ate and took the drugs. One thing I notice so far about drugs for catarrh and cough is that they cause allot of drowsiness and weakness of the body.

Immediately I took the drugs, I started to feel weak and sleepy. My friends understood with me and excused me so I could rest, I slept my life through out that day and couldn't perform any task. I woke up the next morning a bit stronger because the drug actually helped me so well but I still imagine how these drugs don't work for some persons as they claim. I was strong and faced my activities for that day.

I wouldn't say I didn't enjoy the new year because on a normal day if I wasn't sick I don't have something special to do or somewhere special to go. The yoghurt I wanted to take that day is what I usually take anytime anyday that I want to, even my friends house aren't new places for me because I usually visit those places so I didn't feel that bad that I spent my new year at home. Atleast I was able to offload the previous year stress and entered into the new year with lots of energy. Rest is also good for the body although I could rest any other day, the new year day wasn't a bad day to take some good rest also.

Most importantly we are grateful for Life and The New year, we pray for many possibilities and long life..
Thank you for reading through my entry for Hive Learners Community weekly contest, this is for week 96 edition one...

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