My favorite food

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It is another day with an interesting topic. Hope we are all ready.

My Favourite Food

One of life's pleasures is eating nice meals, especially with family and friends. We all know that people who eat a nutritious, well-balanced diet are more likely to:

have plenty of energy to work strong and play well.

Infections and other ailments are less common with them.

Children who eat well grow up to be healthy adults.

Women who eat well are more likely to give birth to healthy children. That is why it is very important to eat the right combination of food.

Kunun Aya(Tiger nut milk) my favorite food


Tiger nut is among the Tuber family like potatoes and artichoke. It is a good alternative for those that have nut allergies and grain allergies. It is a nice food for a majority of diet choices.

Ingredients in preparing Tiger nut milk

  • Tiger nut
  • Date fruit
  • Coconut
  • Ginger

Steps in the Preparation

  • Soak the tiger nut in clean water overnight, that is, if you are using the dry tiger nut. Soak it to get softer. Rinse the soaked tiger nut in the morning and keep. Note, tiger nut are not nuts, they are tiny tubers with a hard texture.

  • Wash the dates and remove the seeds. Remember, dates are very sweet,so when adding it, you don't need sugar

  • Break the coconut and remove the eatable inside the coconut and slice to smaller Chunk for easy blending.

  • Peel the back of the ginger and cut it to bits.

  • Blend the four ingredients together with one or two cups of water.


  • Pour the blended mix into a strainer with a mesh to separate the shaft from the milk.

  • Add more water to the shaft and blend it again in order to extract all the milk

  • Strain the mix from the blender with a muslin cloth or sieve to get the remaining milk.

  • Pour the Shaft away and store your milk in your refrigerator.

  • Serve whenever you want.

Why I love eating tiger nut milk

Apart from the health benefits of kunun Aya, I enjoy kunun Aya because it is all natural and has a flavor that you won't forget. I'm easily satisfied any time I eat it because of it being rich in fiber. Enable me to stay longer without becoming hungry, which is a wonderful approach to avoid gaining weight from overeating. Easy to prepare and can aid in digestion. The best food when ever I'm stressed because of the presence of carbohydrates which is a healthy source of energy.

The taste is the difference

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