Features and Benefits of Marigold Flowers

Marigold flowers are a classification of mistresses, which are under the scientific name Tagetes. This miragold or kenikir flower has dozens of types and colors: ranging from gold, orange, white, red and yellow.

These different types of marigolds are also known as symbols of passion and creativity in decorating. The cut flowers are commonly used to make bouquets. In India, marigolds are given to gods and goddesses during Durga Ouja, as well as at various festivals.

In some areas, this type of flower is also widely planted in pots as ornamental plants, some are used as guardrails.


Because it is high in antioxidants, marigold flowers help the body fight free radicals that cause disease and premature aging. This flower also has anti-carcinogenic properties.

Drinking tea made from marigold flowers can help you in clearing toxins especially from your liver and gallbladder. So that your body is free from harmful diseases.




Marigold flower tea can help the body in fighting fever and cough. If you have a sore throat, then gargle with marigold flower tea three times a day to reduce infection.

Marigold flowers are able to protect the lining of your stomach and intestines and prevent peptic ulcers, gastritis, and even stomach cancer.

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