Dangers of Being A Vegan

Omo! I can't eat food with fish, meat or eggs. Seriously. Can that be referred to as an addiction? I don't think so. I sat and culminated and came out with a result. I can't venture being a vegetarian. But many people may not even know the exact meaning of being a vegetarian.

a person who refrains from eating meat and lives on a diet made up of vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts, and sometimes eggs or dairy products. Mariam-Webster Dictionary

The question if I had tried to be a vegetarian before comes to mind. Looking back, I ventured into the lifestyle but ended up being frustrated. I was actually forced by circumstances. My roommate back in school was a vegetarian. He feeds only on veggies and sometimes, cheese. So, because I did have enough money to spare for food during that period, I ended up eating only what was available. My trial lasted only for one week. That one week was like a year of not eating fish, meat, cowskin or eggs. It was a huge trial for me but it soon passed and I swore never to try being a vegetarian again.


After that one good experience, I decided to check what it means to be a vegetarian and my eyes were opened to new unknown facts. Yes, there are benefits and there are also dangers. In this life, as we often say, anything that has advantages also has disadvantages. Some of the benefits of being a vegetarian could include the following. These benefits can be to humans and the environment.

• Weight Management
It is true that vegetarian diets help to keep the human body in shape since the food intakes are of low calories. Meat and fish consumption tends to add fats to the human body system and builds up large tissues which causes either obesity or heaviness. On the other hand, vegetarians do not have to face that problem.

• Compassion for animals and wildlife
A lot of animals have gone into extinction because human beings feed on them. If everyone becomes a vegetarian, we will together protect the animals and keep nature in check. This may not happen because of people like me who like to eat fish and meat.

• Easy Digestion of food
You probably have experienced indigestion before. This mostly happens when food of high-fat level is fed on. Vegetarians do not experience this. They get their food digested easily because plant diets are easily digested in the mammalian alimentary canal.

Cats coming

• High Level of Good Health
Vegetarians tend to have less symptoms of sickness. Since this diet is high in fibre, vitamins and minerals, they are not at risk of cancerous sickness or heart diseases and diabetes. Blood related diseases are also far from vegetarians. This is one of the far reaching benefits of being vegetarian.

Despite all that has been stated above, I still will not be a vegetarian. I respect those who are into it already. I hope they do not lose grip of what they cherish. If the reason why some people decide to become vegetarians is death, then they are wrong because everyone will die someday. Like we say in this part of the world, something must kill a man.

Dangers of being A Vegetarian

• Social Stigma
Back then in school, my roommate was highly mocked and stigmatized because he was vegetarian. It is not African to be a vegetarian. It is modernization that brought the idea. Our ancestors were hunters. In fact, they tie a lot of importance to eating food served with fish or meat. When an individual now appears to say that he or she would not eat dairy products, then, it leaves a lot to behove.

• Deficiency of Protein
Protein is the class of food that is derived from the consumption of animals or their products. It is a body building class of food. It can be tough for vegetarians to get enough protein from their diets. When vegetarians do not eat a class of plant based protein, it then becomes a problem.

• Energy Taking Jobs
Vegetarians do not usually engage in tough jobs. They steer clear from such a job because their food components do not contain their requirement that could make them stand in such jobs. Fatigue could set in if a vegetarian attempts tasking or energy consuming jobs.

• Limited Food Option
Vegetarians do not have a long list in their menu when it comes to choosing what to eat. No matter what the menu could be, it will only end up being without fish and meat, rather it will only contain one vegetable or fruit and so on.

I hope with these few points raised, you do not expect me to be a vegetarian.

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