Heartfelt, Delicate & Homely Meals - Just The Right Choice

I've always try to tell myself this and I'll say it here once again... "I can bring the fast food to my kitchen" and that means I can prepare meals and make them look like I bought them from fast food spots so why buy meals outside? This has helped me grow my love for preparing my own meals.

I was not always like this, I use to feel too lazy to prepare meals at home. Although I rarely eat out since I have others at home who prepare our meals, I was tempted to take the fast food option when I started living alone during school sessions.

Well, I could not fall for the temptation when I started calculating how much it would cost to buy food at restaurants. The option would have been much easier and time saving but expensive and I would have to take the risk of eating unhealthy or unclean meals.


So I resorted to preparing my own meals and it didn't end there, I try to explore dishes and learn to prepare them even much better than what I see in fast food spots.

The very obvious reason I choose home made meals to fast foods is a big one for me. There is this feeling that comes with eating your own meal but I guess this counts for only those who know how to prepare good meals or enjoy their own meals. I learnt to cook better because I prefer home made meals, it is something anyone would do if they really love to eat at home.

The heart put into the process, the delicate look and the feel of home in homemade meals is priceless.

I don't know about others but I tend to be extra careful when I prepare meals at home especially when I'm not the only one to eat it. There's hardly a way you would see my meals and not like the looks or have a taste and not want more of it except of course, you're full lol.

A home made toasted bread prepared by me

Home made meals are not cheap to prepare too, like it is with fast foods. Especially now that prices of things are inflated but it is way better to buy your ingredients and create meals at home for comfortability and to have left overs to eat.

Is it just me or there are some meals you'll prepare at home that gets finished after one serving and you wish it wasn't in small quantity?

That's how a lot of us feel about fast foods if I'm right, they are almost never enough even for one serving. And this is why I prefer my homemade meals, I decide the quantity I'll prepare and enjoy the taste for as long as I want to unlike with fast foods, that's if I find a fast food that is delicious.

I can't even start recounting the number of times I've had bad experiences with fast foods. Although there is the possible accidents with home made meals but a lot of times, it turned out to be just another kind of meal for my taste buds lol.

A home made pizza noddle prepared by me

If you've prepared meals for more than yourself before, you'll agree with me that there is this happy feeling when they enjoyed your meal. You would want to keep cooking and grow your cooking skill to get more of such feelings. That feeling has inspired me to be the better cook that I am today.

I love home made meals for many reasons but I won't say I don't opt for fast foods sometimes although they are mostly when I feel like taking myself out and having fun. Surprisingly, I tend to buy only meals I find difficult to prepare at home when I get the opportunity to eat out.

This way, I get to experience an unfamiliar taste and also get to know how to go about mine when I decide to prepare it at home. The journey of creating my dream kitchen has been fun and homely because I choose home made meals over fast foods most of the time.

By the way, what do you think about the home made snacks I shared in this post?

Images are mine except stated otherwise

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