A hard decision but i took it for myself

Hello everyone!!!!

I hope so you all are fine and happy 😀

It's 25 December here, and December is almost about to end. Believe me it's the most busiest month for me because of extra work at home and at job too. December is the last month and we have to pack up many things before new year.
It's the most memorable holiday's for me.

Although my holidays start from Saturday, 23 December as i went to my job for extra work which every employee have to done in holidays.

The most memorable thing!!!!

It's hard to do but sometimes we've to take some decisions for our betterment. It's the memorable year for me, i spent it with students and learn a lot from all of them. Share my smile with them and although i went to school for learning them but i also learned a lot of things from them.

But i gave resign from my job!!!

With every passing day, i wasn't feeling well as I've daily headache because of over working, as my brain and body needs rest too but there's no time to do rest and this thing makes me ill so i took a decision and gave reassigned from my job. Although my principal don't want to lose a teacher like me but i gave them proper reason and they understand my condition as well.

Celebrate last day!!!

It was Saturday, sun wasn't shine properly and i was on my way to school to say bye to everyone there. There's cloud's on sky, i go to school by walk so it was the last walk towards school in early morning and i captured the moment in my phone.

When i reached there, our room was arranged for the day because it was the parent teacher meeting day too as we announced the result on Saturday. Three chairs were arrange in a classroom for meeting with parents and i sit in the middle one as they both want to sit with me because of my last day and want to do a lot of gossips with me whenever gotta chance.

After parents teacher meeting there's a refreshment for teachers, our principal ordered pizza sandwich for his staff and give a small party to staff for spending good time in school and be cooperative. After refreshment we captured a lot of selfie's and picture which will always save in my mobile.

That was the memorable day for me, I'll miss my colleagues, students and job as well but I've to do it for myself , for my health.

"What's next planning???*

It's been almost 2 day's and I'm still at home, as i already told you i want to do some rest but I'll go for meet my family too maybe tomorrow or maybe a later because without family holiday's are incomplete. And we've to make some memories in the last Days of year.

  • That's all what i did for now and in my holidays and wish to spend some good days next in life. It's my entry in this week hive learner contest for #hl-exclusive in #hl-w94e1.

Thank you for your time and support 💫🤍

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