Extracting healthy organs of the deceased to save the living


Many times, I sit and allow my mind to wander far as I ponder the things we take extremely seriously on this planet. In the end, I often place the blame on how deeply we are inclined or attached to spiritual understanding, especially the religious aspect.
Don't you think we are excessively focused on the dead, knowing that after someone has passed and left the earth, they have no business here anymore? Whatever happens to their remains is no longer their concern. Don't you think so? That's how I see it. But each time I consider acting on such thoughts, societal norms hit me hard, and I end up seeing every intended action as a violation of those rules.

Regarding the question of whether it's ethical to take healthy organs from the deceased to save the lives of others, you should already know my stance: I support the idea. However, my fear is that if the government allows it, people might abuse it.

Like I mentioned in the first paragraph, if not for the deep spiritual beliefs we have as living humans, a corpse is practically useless on earth. That's why we bury it and allow it to decay and return to the earth, while the spirit of the deceased, which is the most important part, moves on—perhaps to hell, heaven, or somewhere in between. We know this, yet we still attach great significance to the corpse, treating it as something sacred, dignifying it with honor, even to the point of revering the burial ground. If we are already allowing it to decay, why can't we allow the healthy organs to be extracted and used? Huh? Does that make me sound like an antichrist because I'm challenging God's instruction? Lol.

What if the honor we give to the dead, making their corpses sacred, isn't even important in the heaven we look up to for guidance? What about the countries that cremate their dead and turn them into ashes? You see, we have different religions and customs regarding how we handle corpses, and no one knows which of these practices is actually accepted by God.

Let me surprise you:
In my community, if a pregnant woman dies, she cannot be buried together with the baby—it’s considered taboo. So, the woman is operated on, the baby is removed, and they are buried separately. You see, there’s no crime there, and I don't see why it would be wrong if the government decrees that healthy organs should be removed from the deceased before burial.

Would I allow this to happen in my family?

If it were just me, I wouldn’t have an issue with it. But when it comes to my family—particularly my extended family—they would never allow it. They would summon me to a place beyond my reach to judge me on the matter.

Would everyone adhere to such a decree?

No way!

A large number of people on earth hold a deep reverence for dead bodies due to what we've been taught. It's simply not going to happen with a lot of people. Some would even vow that it will never happen over their dead bodies. As long as this group refuses to accept such a law, it can never truly be enforced. Those who support it would be heavily criticized and even labeled as antichrists, as they would be viewed as no different from occultists using human parts for sacrifices.

Thanks for reading.

This is my entry to the Week 135, Edition 02 of the Weekly Featured contest in Hive Learners Community

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