When I cook and my neighbors expect me to call them to eat, they are often left disappointed and I think it's the reason they stop giving me food when they cook too. What they don't know is that I'm saving them from calamity by not calling them, and they should be thanking me for it, but instead, they prefer to repay my kindness by allowing me to eat the calamity I cook in the name of food because they wouldn't call me to eat theirs. The fact that I'm a foodie who loves good food but finds it difficult to cook one for myself is the only reason I eat out when I have the money. Although on a few occasions, my food turns out nice, but if you're to bet on it, the chances of losing are 90%

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When I started working, I would wake up as early as 5:00 am to cook, I would just go for the normal palm oil rice where I have a 90% success rate, but at a point, I got fed up and needed to eat good food so I will either eat out or call a friend to help me cook. Cooking isn't easy for me and them, not because I can't cook, but because the food never turns out as I hoped in my mind, I'm usually too busy that I end up spoiling the food at some point, it's either it gets burnt because I slept off out of tiredness, or I get so engrossed in my work that I forget I left food on the gas. Other times the food either becomes too watery, or too salty, or less salty. For those cooking for me, I feel I'm disturbing them, they could have other things to do lol.

Now I think you can't blame me for eating out because the truth is I really try as much as possible to eat healthy and cheap at the same time, and both can only work when you are cooking yourself. Eating out can be very expensive, especially for foodies like me. When I eat out I don't like going for rice because no matter how much I eat, I can't get satisfied, so I go for either bean porridge or swallow from a trusted food vendor. But still, it's not easy as I have to spend a lot to be satisfied, and with the rise in inflation of goods, eating has become more expensive. Although my sister came to my rescue when she started staying with me, but there are times when she's having one of her days, and I'm forced to spend on eating out despite having foodstuffs at home.

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I wouldn't dare to cook when she's around, not out of pride, but because I'm certain the food won't turn out well, and she's very selective when it comes to eating. Today I couldn't help imagining how much I need a refrigerator so I can order food in bulk every week and would probably go for soup and stew… How hard can it be to cook white rice or make swallow… Until my rice Comes out too soft or the swallow comes out like stone. It's funny how I did these things with ease when I stayed with my mum, now I'm alone and wondering what I didn't learn very well. I guess cooking isn't just for everyone.


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