An opportunity that changed the trajectory of my career path.

There have not been a shortage of terrible occurrences in recent years and it has gotten to a point where so many people now take terrible occurrences as a common thing. They know that most of the terrible things happening around them are beyond their control so, all they do is attempt to survive any catastrophic situation they experience.

The list of terrible incidents that I've witnessed in recent years is so many and they range from Economic issues, Insecurity issues, disappointments and so on. I don't ever consider any of those things as trivial issues because I know how tough it was to experience them. There were moments in the past when I had to live in a very unhealthy and overpopulated environment because I didn't have the resources to move into a better place.

Back in 2018, when I was in my final year of study, I experienced a series of catastrophic situations that led to an extension of my year of study by one year. That whole year felt like a waste and it was tough to be optimistic during that period in my life. However, looking back at that disappointing situation, I can proudly say that it wasn't entirely a wasted year.

That was the year I got to build myself and the lessons I learned then have led me thus far.

Is there a 'Blessing in Disguise' story to be shared here?


Yeah! There are so many terrible situations I faced and some of them turned out to have some glimpse of blessings in them. The one y'all know too well because I believe almost every one of us faced the wrath of it is the COVID-19 pandemic and the lockdown that came with it.

Something as terrible as that is always going to be fresh in people's minds. It was an incident that created a very terrible health issue in all parts of the world. Lots of lives were lost and people lived in fear. This same incident which started as a health challenge grew bigger and turned into a catastrophic social and economic problem.

Countless people lost their jobs and many businesses went bankrupt due to the lockdown that came with COVID-19. Throughout the lockdown that came with this, the level of hardship people faced grew by the day. It negatively affected my finances and subsequently led to changing of my career path.

That's probably the major positive I can take away from experiencing Covid19 pandemic.

While Covid19 pandemic and the lockdown that came with it crippled my finances, it was also within that period that I got to get into Blockchain technology, Cryptocurrency and Content Creation.


I had a lot of free time to burn and I saw a lot of opportunities in the Web3 space so, I made an effort to learn as much as possible.

The things I learned and the ones I'm still learning have helped me build a wealth of experience that completely changed the trajectory of my life. Being on Hive and thriving in this space is partly possible because I used the free time I had during the lockdown to venture into Web3 space.

Considering the catastrophe of the pandemic all over the world, I'm not even going to weigh that on the same scale as 'the life-changing blessing' I experienced during that period. However, I'm forever grateful for the things I got to experience while Covid19 was at the center stage. The future is getting better and hopefully, cryptocurrency will experience massive adoption in due time.

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