Lungs(Most important body organ)

Hello hive friends

Today's topic that I have chosen is very interesting which is about lungs which is the most important body organ and we cannot neglect it and cannot bey from its importance so there would be many more things that I would like to discuss regarding my topic lungs.


What are lungs and their functioning

Lungs are organs that are specified for respiration that's why they are also called respiratory organs. If we talk about size of lungs then average size of lungs is about 1000 grams and if we talk about size of both sides then it is important to note that right lung is greater than left lung because right lung have three lobes and left lung have two lobes.

In between the lungs there is mediastinum which is a cavity act which heart is present and as heart is more towards left side that's why there is cardiac notch at which heart is present so that's the reason of having short size of left lung. Lungs is important for inspiration and expiration and when air is filled in lungs then lungs contract and when lungs have to expire then lungs relax.

Lungs complexities

There are different complexities that can be present in lungs and two of the health related condition about lungs I want to share and one is emphysema and other one is lungs cancer.Emphysema is a disease which is associated with bacteria on the other hand lungs cancer is a disease which is associated with some of the harmful chemicals so let's discuss both of them in detail.


Emphysema is a lungs condition that may be caused by bacteria 🦠🧫 and in this condition there is an accumulation of pus in the alveolies that are basically the smallest structures which have oxygen carrying capacity so when pus accumulation occurs in them then it hinders the air pathway and as a result patient feels suffocation.

If we talk about lungs cancer then it occurs when abnormal growth of lung cells occurs as a result of different harmful chemicals like carcinogens that's why smokers are also considered at a risk of having cancer of lungs more earlier than a normal person.

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