3 weeks in @HIVE - What did I learn?

The penny finally dropped. I think I get it now.... This is my third week @ HIVE and I feel like various elements have started to fit in place. I really feel that this week I've learnt A LOT!

Last week I wrote about the various elements that I've noticed in the system. I spoke about the account creation process, Ecency, PEAKD and Actifit. I also spoke about me starting to play the game Rising Star game. However, whilst I was using some of the platforms, last week I was still feeling relatively lost.

This week a few things clicked, and I wanted to talk about these. I hope it helps a few of you.

HIVE Engine
I understood that the HIVE Engine is like the beating heart of the system. Whilst one can have HIVE & HIVE Power, one cannot really interact to the eco system without the eco system tokens. Whilst I was accumulating tokens like ActiFit, Sports or WINE i was not able to buy anything else. @awah explained to me about SWAP.HIVE and how I can deposit HIVE to SWAP.HIVE using the deposit function. Once I did this, all possibilities have opened. Then I was able to purchase some AFIT, some WINEX. I was also able to buy some NFT (read further on...)

RisingStar 🌟🌟🌟
So, this week I continued playing the game but I was feeling slightly frustrated. At times it felt like I was threading water. Most of the time I was just waiting for the "energy" to replenish. I have tried to buy cards within the game itself, but I did not manage. After asking the community, @awah and @steevc both gave me some tips about game cards. @awah gave me the great tip to use NFTMart. AHA, now we're cooking!!! I can buy an NFT card!!! Whilst I knew the theory about NFT (Non-Fungible Token), I had never had purchased an NFT before. HURRAY, I bought my first NFT. And what was it? A PIZZA! 😂

Below you can see a screenshot of the NFT portal that I've used. You can notice the balance on the right-hand side, which hooks up to HIVE Engine.

Then from the RisingStar game itself I was able to refresh to fetch my cards.

Finally (and the most exciting bit for me) I could see the NFD on chain, and now on the RisingStar database. Love this, the experience is pretty cool and now I fully understand how an NFT is integrated within a Web 3 game.

Another thing that I've learned this week was PEAKD CHAT. This application was released just 3 days ago. It was pretty cool going in an seeing some of the very first messages on the system. I was also interested about where is this chat getting stored. If my understanding is correct, the chat itself is not stored on chain. This PEAKD chat function looks awfully similar to DISCORD, but it's very cool that it's running on HIVE. I do hope that it continues gathering momentum.

So earlier this morning, I've stumbled about a post from @jongolson and I only got to it as I've noticed a comment by @arcange. @arcange was referring to this being the best podcast ever. Whilst slightly skeptical, I did start to listen the podcast, and to my surprise, I was really hooked. In this podcast @bobthebuilder2 talks a lot about his introduction to HIVE and about the Web3 concepts, especially in relation to games. Bob was talking about his engagement with the game Psyber-X. Psyber-X is a FPS game, and I must admit I am not a fan of such games. (Give me a driving game any time, but not shooting!). However, I was really hooked, and I learned a lot about Web3.0 games. It was also the first time that I was learning about SplinterLands card game.

I felt that the podcast was a learning experience in itself. I feel that now I understand a little more about web 3.0 and it's related eco-systems like NFT, on-chain games and more. Thank you guys! 😀😀

So, for this week, I just feel that I've learned so so much. But at the same time I was enjoying using my brand new NFTS on Rising Star. As you can see now I got a Pizza, a Pizza box and a coffee cup. Splendid stuff. That's all for this week. 3 weeks in and loving HIVE even more! 💙💙💙

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