100 footsteps of Hive Learners

Time is unstoppable and it's running with the law of nature. Nobody can stop it. Sometimes we use it and sometimes we waste it but we move forward in life with time. Little by little we cross a long way and we hardly realize as the change is little. After a certain time when we look back, We can see our footsteps behind us. Those footsteps remind us of the memories we created in the past.

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Like those little footsteps Hive Learners community contest came to it's 100th footsteps (weekly contest). 100-weekend means nearly 2 years and that means it's crossed a long way. Time indeed flies fast and I didn't notice it. Currently, I am a Hive user who doesn't miss any contests of Hive Learners except the creative Sunday and each week there are 3 contests to participate. It's a community that helped me a lot to be consistent in the Hive platform and still helping me.

I am one of the early birds of the Hive Learners community and I joined first time in the contest in the 13th week. In the beginning time, I was not so constant in the Hive platform but I can ensure that in the last 1.5 years, I joined almost all the contests of the Hive Learners community. It can be said that I shared most of my experience with the members of this community and I am emotionally connected with this Hive Learners community. I think it's natural to connect deeply with a community when someone active there for 1.5 years. It's indeed a huge time.

During that time I published a lot of articles in this community. I didn't count it and didn't try to count it either. Some topics of the contest were difficult to write and some were easy. In fact, some made me emotional a lot. Among those picking 3/4 posts is difficult and needs good time to analyze. I did a little research to pick some of them which cost me approximately 1.5 hours after considering many things.

"Not any specific music" is a post where I have discussed about the music. Discussing about music is not so easy for me as I am not a music-type person. It doesn't mean I don't love music and I listen to music sometimes. But the feelings in my heart are pure but expressing it through words is very complicated at least for me and I am not good at it. In this post, I don't know how I have shared some feelings about music. I can still remember I have taken a lot of time to organize my thoughts and write the post. It was a very tough one for me.

"Cheap food or expensive delicious one?" is a post where I have shared about my opinion on which kind of food I prefer most. I also discussed when & why I prefer what kind of food and shared an interesting moment taken from my life. It was quite an easy topic to write and all the thoughts were organized in my mind as default and I think within a little time I was able to write the post easily. I think very few post topics became so easy as that topic.

"I wish, It was a fiction" is a post where I discussed about an incident of mine during the time of pandemic situation. At that time my mother became seriously ill and at some point in that moment I felt how useless and helpless I was. It was a moment when I was almost lost my mother and afraid of losing her. I think while writing that post, tears came to my eyes thinking about the incident. It was the most emotional post for the contest topic.

Time is running and I believe I will make another 100 footsteps like this 100 ones. Are you ready to cross the next 100 footsteps with me?

If you think that I violated any rules of this platform or my word hurting you or I made any mistakes here , let me inform about it through comments or my other social network . I will try to correct it if I made any mistakes.

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