Not any specific music

Music is also known as the healer and it has the power to heal us. Some people naturally love to listen to music and think about their life without it because music is their world. But at the same time, there exist some people who don't love music and those people are the rarest ones in my opinion. Till now I haven't seen anyone like them but in the past, I was one of them.


Now I am still not a music lover but sometimes I listen to music. My experience related to music is not so deep but I can say a little bit about it from my little experience. Even if I am not a music addict but I can feel the music very well. So let's talk about music.

To be honest, I feel music is magical and it indeed has the power to heal and boost our mind. In my case, I naturally love to listen to music when my mood becomes bad and my mind becomes unstable. It's also very much helpful in the time when I feel stressed or overwhelmed. In the case of music, I think widely and I don't only stick to one kind of music. I love to listen to almost all types of music except metal music because I can't understand the music and I don't understand the meaning of it. Sometimes some base of music is enough to catch attention but in the case of metal music, I don't like it.

In the time of traveling, I naturally used to listen those music which has a good base in the background. It's because I don't want to listen to what other people are talking about especially when many people keep talking and I have no one to talk to. So that kind of music is a very good way to escape from others nonsense talking.
Whenever I am in a peaceful place like my home, I love to listen to cool music. I think cool music goes with my personality and cool type music seems best in my opinion.
Besides depending on the weather, mood can change and the choice of music can also change and in my case that also happened many times but overall I mostly listen the cool music less instruments used in music.

Holidays mean enjoyment and it also means peace and happiness to me. At that time I listened to the cool music which I used to listen to normally. Cool music seems like a symbol of peace and each cool music gives me the vibes of relaxation and it gives me the feeling of holidays. So there is no specific song or specific artist song that only can give me the holiday vibes.

Hehe. I have said a lot and discussing about music is not so easy for me as I am not a music lover or an addicted one. So even if this one is just a little post but I need a lot of time to organize my thoughts related to music. That's all for today.

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