Creative Sunday week -076. How to prepare plantain chips.

Hai everybody good evening and happy Sunday, today i want to demonstrate to us how to make plantain chips, just follow me on my step by step display of how to make plantain chips,

To start, i first of all cut my plantain from my garden in our backyard, you can see the fresh bunch here,

A bunch of freshly harvested plantain from my garden in my backyard ready to be used to make chips.

This is me removing the outer layer, i mean the back and slicing them into shapes and sizes , getting ready for frying.

This is a hip of plantain i have sliced, very ready for frying.

Here, i poured a sizeable vegetable oil into my frying pan, you know it's a deep fry so i made sure i added enough vegetable oil to get them fry properly.

These are the ones i have finished frying, ready for consumption, you are welcome to enjoy it.

This is myself tasting the creepsy plantain chips and it's very delicious and yummy, creepsy my plantain chips.

Thank you everyone for coming around to check on my blog, let's enjoy my creepsy plantain chips.

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