Making resolutions can be so niceeee, it makes one feels like they are living a good and responsible life but then when it comes to keeping our own side of the bargain, the story begins to take another turn. Of course, just like most people, I have my resolutions for this year that I'm hoping earnestly to meet up with even beyond this year.


The past year, I was so much focused on goals that could benefit me financially and academically but not health wise (I totally cared less for my health). I was worried that if I get too use to living a comfortable life it would be hard for me to fed for myself and if there is one thing I hate so much is living on someone like a leech. I should know better that we all have our own problems that we are facing and adding someone else's to it won't be so nice.

Well, that was the reason I was so financially conscious last year and I was lucky not to have gotten so sick to the point where I had to spend the little I've saved on medications and hospital bills. So this year I wish to let go of the constant effort to make more income and doing well academically at the detriment of my health. I know how precious being healthy can be because most times when I fall sick I even forget how it feels to be healthy.

This year I'm going to try to make constant effort to improving my health and my body size too, hehe. Most times people look at me like I'm suffering and I do feel ashamed knowing that I'm making money that I can't even use well for myself. I'm going to make sure to take good care of myself this year with what I earn even as I also set something aside as savings too.


To do this, I've resolved to always exercise every morning immediately I wake up from sleep. And for days when I know I'd be leaving the house early, I make sure to wake up an hour earlier so I don't miss my exercise routine. Thanks to the physical fitness app I downloaded, it helps me keep track of my effort towards my resolution. Now I even get a reminder from the app too to remind me just in case I forget.

Well, outside my exercises I also plan to start eating more food too. This is still a little problem though but I'm trying as much as I can to resolve it soon. I'm thinking of getting a good food diet that fits what I want and try to keep up with it as much as I can. But for a start, I'm trying to eliminate late night dinner because that's the worst.

And finally, I also want to give myself more time to rest. Denying myself of rest has never been helpful so I definitely need to fix that this year. I can't keep thinking of how to make money and end up using my hard earned money to pay for medications and hospital bills, therefore I'm going to take good care of my all round health so I can enjoy the little I make.

Life is short and I'm determined to make the most of it this year 🥰.

This is my response to the last edition for this week's topic in the Hivelearners community, I'm so glad to share with you all what I'd be letting go of and what I'm choosing to hold on to.

Thumbnail used was designed using canva and also a screenshot from my home workout app

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