The Weather For Casting Seeds

This weather is to me i will say all-encompassing weather. Why i said so is because in this time of the year here you will say it is the rainy season but at a point you will notice that the weather is so cold and another time it is so cold to the point you cannot even bath with normal water until it's warm a little.

The Picture is mine

This raining is important because without the rain it will be difficult for us to have food to eat. Everyone who has a farm to plant. So you can say that this is a planting season because the ground is already soft so Tilling will not be a difficult.

Personally there is no weather I don't enjoy because I know that all of them serve a purpose. If during the dry season the harmattan did not come in a good proportion the rainy season will be badly affected. So all the Seasons serve a purpose. My area at this time the rain has not come strongly compare with some regions that it rains every day.

This morning we experienced little rain more so today is Tuesday and our market day, mostly they don't allow the rain to come heavily on Tuesdays unless the day lock ran out of them or God want to show his supremacy over all.

During this season my children sleep so well as the weather is so conducive.

The major challenge we face this time is mosquitoes 🦟. There production really increased as if they built up there immune system for the season. Seriously be very month we go for malaria medication, unlike other seasons. Just yesterday we had to flit the whole house, just before we went to bed I was thinking we will rest from using the net, I heard one mosquito singing over my ear. Nobody advised me to drop the net immediately.

The change in weather must be for us not to die of hunger. We just have to bear it as it is and look for every possible way to manage what needs to be managed,

  • like not dumping refuge anyhow because that's one of the things that contributes to flooding overtaking an area.
  • We should always try to clear the bushes around our environment
  • Make use of the net always to reduce mosquito bit
  • Go for medication when necessary

These are the things I feel can help us through this weather

Thank you reading through my post

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