An Exclusive Place Just Like Yabah Left

There was a sad story I heard just yesterday of a young man who was brutally Burchard because he was caught in the act of rape involving a little girl of just 10 years old. A lot of things are happening in the world today that needs one to be more careful of lots of things. Talking of if those caught in the act should be rehabilitated or they should be executed.

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This topic is viewed in two sides, my faith does not support the execution of any man as it is considered as a sin against God. There is always a place a thing starts but the end of it may not just be defined as it is so difficult to be tamed.

My total submission is that every person that is caught committing one crime or the other hails of a home so it could be traced to the way the person is brought up. Few days back I mate a parent I know so well dropping the kids in school, the daughter just of the same age with my little daughter began to cry and was requesting for money. Shortly the mother granted the request, I was like why will you give this little girl money to buy things? then she smile. To me that's not good at and its just exposing the little girl.

A family friend told us few weeks back of a young boy who was killed by area guy because of he went to steal electric cable in the broad day. Now this boys parents do have so many fault ranging from the place of not working together as one. You know some home when a child is being cautioned the other partner will speak against it. It grew to the point that the boy grew so bad and the father drove him out of the house. Our family friend told us that he encouraged the parents not to drive him but they insisted and did as they wished and the boy ended that way.

At that point the boy grew so worst the best thing they would have done was to send him to a rehabilitation center where the boy will be cared for.

There is always a root of every missbeviour so with the proper conduct and environment there is likely to be a drastic turn around. Just as there is a sychiatric home so also there should be homes that criminals are kept for proper care. Some children are just left at the mercy of the society so anything that comes their way they just go with it and some parents are so careless that they don't introduce good morals to their kids.

There should be a general awareness in the society for parents especially and in that awareness they will be taught how to care for their wards and the dangers of neglecting their primary assignment as parents most especially now that things are becoming so difficult in the society.

My submission to the hive learners contest week #117 edition 3. Thank You for stopping by my blog

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