Clay Elephant | Creative Sunday

I love to keep my work pending till weekend that's why for others Sunday is funday but for me it's the most hectic day of my life.

Today i made my to-do list at morning in my brain and i was quiet confident that i can easily do all these things before 10 pm but now it seems like impossible.

I'm working on decoration of departments board and i had a plan to go to market for buying some stuff, that is still pending. I'm reading a novel that i have to complete before tomorrow because i have to return it tomorrow. I have to make a poster for society before 7'o clock. I have 2 assignments to complete too.

And what I'm doing? I'm just laying on my bed and watching reels๐Ÿ™‚ just as i did the whole last week. I'm not lazy, i just need some motivation that pushes me up and I starts doing my work.

Well apart from my busy schedule i had something interesting to do before tomorrow and that is making of clay Elephant. I have recently started gifting cute stuff to my friends and classmates so this time i decided to make clay Elephant for Cute chubby girl of our class.

I don't need special motivation for making crafts๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ


I started making the Elephant by mixing purple and black clay with the ratio 1:4. Purple clay was 4 time more than the quantity of black clay.

When i was satisfied with the color i started the process of making Elephant. Where in the first step i made a small circle of clay for face and added two small white clay circles for eyes.

After that i added another small black circle on the white circles i made before and painted the eyelashes with the black acrylic paint. And added small dots in eyes with white Acrylic paint.

I was never so good at making eyes but for the first time i loved the eyes i made but it was just a start, my excitment overs when i started making elephant's trunk because I made it a little bigger.

But instead of getting disheartened i trusted the process and moved towards the next step where i made ears of the Elephant.

After completing face i started making the lower body of Elephant. I shaped the clay in the shape of avocado and attached pink oval on it.

Then i made two cylindrical legs of the Elephant and attached them to the body and body with face.
Here my long Elephant's trunk created a mess. The Elephant's neck was looking more bended towards left side.

In last step i made another two feet of Elephant, this time in circular shape and attached them to the body of Elephant. After that i added some little details on the feet of Elephant.

At this stage Elephant was totally ready to present and here's the final results ๐Ÿ‘‡

Another beautiful one ๐Ÿ‘‡

That's it for today will be back with another exciting idea soon bye bye๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

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