Beyond The Filter

As the world keeps evolving and the internet taking the present generation like wildfire, it is now a norm for most of us both young and old to want to tap from the amazing opportunities the internet has to offer, one of which is being an influencer, unlike those days where you either have to come from a wealthy background or work so hard and consistently for years before becoming a household name/celebrity. It is common these days for anyone with a smartphone and smart or crazy ideas that attract attention to become one, especially since it's one of the highest paying jobs one can do and also have fun while doing it, as long as you can bear the burden that tags along.


A friend of mine was lucky to quickly climb up the ladder as a top model and influencer after winning a beauty queen competition, but from my chats with her, though she may look glamourous on the outside from the pictures and videos she shares online, but on the inside, she isn't so happy as her life has not been hers any longer, from the little she explained to me, she now seems like a puppet that must always dance to the rule of the showbiz game, all for more likes, follows and of course money.

I wouldn't consider myself as someone who would happily love to take on an influencing role because to be frank, I'm not really the camera-ready kind of person, ready to update my followers with what they would obviously like to know or not which is one responsibility influencers can't do without, but that doesn't mean I have to give up on the whole influencing, thing as my current job as a fashion designer even demands that I become one, whether I lile it or not,


so yea, since anything fashion is what I am passionate about, if I am to go into full time influencing, then fashion it is, it doen't necessarily mean I have to show myself as I love my privacy and would"t want to be in the radar of the public at all time, I'm too delicate for that celebrity lifestyle, that seems too perfect online, as we all know life can not be so perfect, so trying to live up to people's expectation means I'll be putting much pressure on myself at all time, so I'll definitely pass on that.

The reason why I respect those in such positions, especially the ones positively influencing the people, not the other way round, as we know that the negative ones are much more the good ones, they capitalize on their numerous followers to add more pain to the society, as they are all about the money and not the consequences of their action, so if given the choice of being a social media influencer, I'll take it up, as I stated before, I would still love to be anonymous while being a part of those that contribute positively to the society, because I know we need more of this positivity to overwhelm the bad ones saturated everywhere demoralizing our generation and causing a looming doom to the future generation.

Image 1, 2 is mine.

Thank you for reading.❤❤

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