HL Creative Sunday/ Plantain Pottage

Hello everyone, welcome to another episode of Hive Learners Creative Sunday Initiative. If it's your first time seeing a HL Creative Sunday post, feel free to check what the [initiative] is about and we would love to see you participate one of these Sundays.

For this Sunday entry to HL Creative Sunday Initiative, I made Plantain Pottage. I eat plantain a lot but it's been months since I tried this recipe so I thought it would be great to share this with every Hive member even though some of us might be very familiar with it.

Plantain Pottage is a delicacy made from plantain and a few other ingredients, you can choose to make it more but I used a few things just to manage funds and despite cutting down the ingredients, I still had a delicious, yummy and satisfying bowl of plantain Pottage. This delicacy is nutritious and you can't regret spending some cash on it.

I don't know if this meal is sold at shops but it's best to prepare it yourself since it's easy and doesn't cost much to prepare.


Basil leaves
Palm oil
Pepper and Tomatoes.


I started by processing the recipes after cleaning them.

  • I washed the plantain, cut them into smaller pieces without removing the back and boiled them in water with little salt.

  • I washed the Cowskin, removed the fish dirt and boiled both in a pot with seasoning and onions.

  • I sliced some of the pepper, tomatoes and onions. I blended the rest into paste which is very important to thicken the delicacy later.

  • Finally, I sliced the carrot & basil leaves after properly rinsing them, I kept them aside too.

  • I heated the frying pan before turning a small quantity of palm oil in it.

  • The carrot went into the hot oil first, followed by the sliced onions, pepper and tomatoes. I added seasoning as well and allowed them to fry for about five minutes under low heat while I stirred to prevent them from burning.

  • I added the Cowskin and fish, I ensured that they got a touch of the sauce by continuously stirring for another two minutes before adding the blended pepper. I stirred thoroughly and made sure that all the ingredients in the frying pan blended in very well.

  • The sauce fried for another five minutes under a very low heat and while that was happening, I removed the back of the cooked plantain. After successfully doing that, I turned plantain into the sauce and stirred as well until they were all covered in the sauce.

  • I left it to cook again under low heat for a few minutes before sprinkling my basil leaves which is the only ingredients left. I stirred again and my Plantain Pottage was ready.

This meal is yummy and people who love plantain a lot can relate to how delicious this would be. It can be served alongside rice, beans, spaghetti and others, you can also serve it alone with cold juice.

All images in the post belong to me.

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