MY FAVORITE FOOD "MEATBALLS" | week 03 edition 03


this picture is mine

Hello everyone, today I'm back to participate in the weekly contest with the topic of our choice, "FAVORITE FOOD"

This can be any food at all. It can be local or foreign dish. What matters is that you just love eating it. Tell us why you love it and how it is prepared.

There are several types of food that I really like, in fact, every week I usually always go to places that provide my favorite food, this time I will mention one of my favorite foods to be the topic of my discussion this time.


Meatballs are one of the foods made from flour and meat, generally meatballs are round like small balls, there are also several types of meatballs, there are chicken meatballs, beef and there are also meatballs made with a mixture of other meats according to each person's taste. So far I only like beef meatballs and fish meatballs, I think they taste very good and fit my tongue.

For other mixtures there are several choices, I usually enjoy the BAKSO with a mixture of noodles with broth plus spicy chili sauce.

As for how to prepare it, I don't really understand, because usually every time I want to enjoy meatballs I immediately come to my subscription and order it, it seems the process to prepare meatballs is quite difficult, to be honest I didn't know it.

okay maybe that's all I need to say about my favorite food, and after this I'll immediately go back to my regular meatball place, hehe.


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