A no to excess sugar

Few years back, I had to run a general test not because I was down but it was necessary i know my health condition. After the result was out, every other thing was normal except for the fact my sugar level was high. It was way too high but the good thing, it was still under control. Before leaving the hospital I was advised to reduce intake of sugar as even the food we eat daily contains sugar so taking any other food that has so much sugar in it isn't adviceable.

After I was advised by the doctor, I reduced my intake of excess sugar for that month and trust my mum to prepare herbs which I took without haste. After sometimes again I went back to check and the sugar level was back to normal..... what a big relief.😁 But do you know what? I still went back to my old habit. Trust me when I said I really tried my best to maintain a less intake of sugar but I guess I wasn't determined. Before buying cookies, I always say to myself I would take a little but from little I end up taking the whole pack just like that.😊

All those while I was taking excess sugar it never really occurred to me to take a break even after being advised but I had to come to a stand point decision the moment my body system had a swift change and my monthly flow was greatly affected. Initially I never use to have cramps except feeling dizzy and a bit lazy but then when everything changed I saw the repercussion of sugar. There was this particular day my elder brother was so scared because of how I was reacting and advised they rush me to the hospital for proper check up. There was no prayer I didn't do that day if only the pain could stop well it lasted for two days and I felt more relieved. After that day I need no advice from anyone to cut down on sugar. Taking that decision was one of the best decisions I made and I really saw the results. Even though I still experience cramps but not as severe as it used to be.

Wait!!🤚 did I say sugar is completely bad? Not all all but the way we consume it is what actually makes it unhealthy for us. So the number one way I try to fight too much intake of sugar is to be delibrate. I made a decision that no matter how difficult it may be I must stand on my words. Secondly no matter how tempting sweets, chocolate and cookies may be, I never consume the big packs at a spot rather i take them bit by bit. Most at times I have to prepare a little bitter leaf juice too and when am far from bitter leaf I just completely avoid anything excess sugar for that week. And lastly which is the most important one is substituting refined/processed food for a more natural one such as honey replacing sugar like wise dates. Aside that homemade fruit juice can be replace with processed ones as well.

All photos are mine.

Writing was inspired by @HiveLearners community weekly featured contents wk-125e3 Sugar Is Bad. Do well to subscribe to the community so we can hear from you as well on each of the amazing prompts. 😍

Thank you for your time, peace 🕊️

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