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Hello readers and fellow bloggers, hope you all having a wonderful celebration of love and show of affection with your love ones, single or not we can all celebrate, can't we?πŸ˜‚. As an average Nigerian and a writer, the love of my life is my blog and my readers, This is my way of showing love by writing on my blog, it is one of the advantages that comes with being single 🀣.

It is week 43 edition 1 of weekly featured content titled "from fiction to reality" in hive learners community

As a lover of fictional writing and master of art, imagination such as this is never far from my mind especially when reality is too tough and I needed a break, one of my favourite definition of the concept of literature is "A means to escape reality" Just as I'm a lover of art, I also enjoy movies a lot to a high extent, especially sci-fi, myth, adventurous and action movies.


Just as you might have guessed from the title of this write up, I'm a fan of marvel movies, my all time favourite character till this moment is Dr strange, the cosmos wizard with the red cloak, the great sorcerer also know as Stephen. He is one of Avengers series superheroes, one of the strongest.

The reason for my choice of character


There are a lot of reasons why this actor remain my favourite actor among many reasons it is his ability to alter reality. An ability considered impossible to many fictional characters, this ability is far different from the ability to run back and forth to the past like flash, it is the ability to change the present look of reality to what he desires without moving an inch or disrupting the present.

As a human, our life is full choices we have to make on daily basis. sometimes we choose right, while sometimes we chose wrong, which is also part of being human


but what if we have the ability or we know someone who could alter reality, change our present situation, eradicate famine, stop wars and natural disasters, bring the dead back to life with just a click of his finger, won't that be amazing?

There will be a second chance for everything, you won't have to worry about making mistakes or death or misfortune since you know you will always have the ability to erase the present at ease, you won't have to be so sad about the death of any loved ones, the concept of life will change and everyone will be granted the opportunity to have a second shot at making another decision.


I have always been amazed by his abilities, apart from the ability to manipulate reality, he can travel to any point in time, either the past or the future with the time stone, which gives him the ability to be a step ahead of anyone, what would you have expected from someone with such ability, he will make a perfect business partnerπŸ˜‚, he will be able predict the outcome of every event.

In a world full of a lot of uncertainties, every moment is unpredictable, you can't even imagine what will happen to you in the next 5 minutes. Civilisation and economy can crash down at any moment, the world could be struck by another pandemic or epidemic unknown to anyone but what if, there was someone who could predict such occurrence, take a pick into the future to check the outcome of life changing decisions made by nations, that will give us the ability to think twice before making a wrong decision that could make life unbearable for a lot individuals.

In just few weeks from this day, we will be having our general election, which is a great event which is going to have a lot of impact on a lot of people, everyone is on edge without the ability to predict the out come of the election, citizen in constant worry and deliberation on which candidate should be voted for, they are scared of the possibilities of voting the wrong candidate but what if there was someone who could tell us about such outcome and explain the consequences of our choice of candidate, we won't have to think about it too hard, or try to use violence to influence other people choice of candidate.


I consider myself to be a pacifist, which means I prefer peace than violence, with this fictional character, it will be a great life changer for all.

Another area I need to point out, is his sense of responsibility and his actions are guided by ethical and moral conduct. One of the greatest quest of my kind is power and survival. mankind will do anything to have power to enslave others, this has always been the way of life of mankind, survival of the fittest.


But for this character, He had so many chances that he could have used his abilities for selfish reasons but he chose not to, which is an uncommon personality among humans, for those who have watched this movies Dr strange, Avengers endgame, Avengers infinity war and Dr strange: Mulltiverse of madness, you will understand what I meant by this, he had a lot opportunities and chances to turn his life around by using his capabilities, no one will question him but he chose no to and highly determined to follow the righteous path.

The world is filled with a lot of selfish individuals, who will take advantage of their fellow humans if given the opportunity to do so, but with this fictional character called Dr strange, we won't have to worry about him using his power and abilities to enslave humanity because he will always be of ethical conduct.

With all this in mind, Don't you Wish we have such fictional character among us?πŸ˜‚, but then it is just an imagination πŸ˜‚. regardless I will love to know perception of this character in the comment section.



All pictures were sourced and links were applied where necessary

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