Pictures Attacked HiveLearners!


Today's topic is pictures. I will be looking into my gallery and sharing some pictures with you while providing context for each one. It's that easy – BOOM!


My Some Rare Pictures:

I have shared a lot of my pictures on Hive, and it was a challenge to find some pictures that I hadn't shared before. Here are some unseen pictures of mine.

1little-me.jpg 2musical-instruments.jpg 3heavy-vehicle.jpg
4mermaid.jpg 5panda.jpg 6working.jpg

Picture 1:

I have shared many stories about when I was little, but have you ever wondered how I looked? This picture will satisfy your curiosity.

Picture 2:

Would you like to see a picture of me holding some traditional Sindhi musical instruments from my province? This picture will surely take you by surprise.

Picture 3:

Have you ever wondered how I would look while driving a heavy vehicle? Well, why keep wondering when you can have a look right now!

Picture 4:

Do you still laugh when you read the "I AM MERMAID" comedy blog? Watch me living life like a mermaid!

Picture 5:

This picture has been circulating in HiveLearners with a panda sticker on the face and a funny joke in the context. But now, no sticker! Take a look at the face with your naked eyes.

Picture 6:

Have you ever seen someone work on three connected systems simultaneously? Watch me as I handle the workload on three systems at once!


Panda Hunting:

Now it's time for some fun panda hunting pictures!

7panda-buscuit.jpg 8panda-aprons.jpg

Picture 7:

Have you ever wondered how lazy-panda gets his hive power? He fuels up with Panda Power biscuits, now available in Pakistan!

Picture 8:

Have you ever wondered what apron lazy-panda wears when his wife tells him to do the dishes? Well, I have some exciting news for you! The picture of his adorable panda apron has been leaked!


Some Rare Pictures:

Now it's time for some rare pictures.

9one-rupee-front.jpg 10one-rupee-back.jpg 11sick-lady-praying.jpg

Picture 9 & 10:

Since the one rupee note has been discontinued, it is a rare and nostalgic sight to own one. I always keep a one dollar note in my wallet, which I exchanged for a one rupee note. You can see me holding a one rupee note with pride.

Picture 11:

This is one of the most motivational pictures in my gallery. It captures a lady on a wheelchair praying before surgery. What is your reason for not doing the things you want to do in life?

Picture 12:

Antisocialist tried to teach me how to use # in memos and send encrypted messages to anyone on the blockchain. I wanted to share my research with specific people on Hive who were not in my contacts. Since this research was confidential, I was hesitant and didn't trust the encryption methods. However, surprisingly, the next day, my professor started teaching us about public and private keys as part of the course plan.

If Alice wants to send Bob an encrypted message, she will use Bob's public key to encrypt it, and Bob will use his private key to decrypt it. This ensures that no one else in the network can see what Alice sends to Bob. All public keys are stored in one place, while private keys are only stored on the client/user end. That's how I first understood the purpose of public and private keys.



13a-quote.jpg 14viewing-balochistan-from-karachi.jpg 15excited-for-hive-shirt.jpg
16a-start-of-new-world.jpg 17my-little-lambo.jpg 18pakistan-swimming-pool.jpg

Picture 13:

An iconic marriage website advertisement captured through my lens.

A Girl is saying in urdu:

"Saas na sahi par rishta tu khud chun sakti ho!"

English translation:

"Even if you can't pick your mother-in-law, you can choose your own husband!" (Thanks google translate for being bad at your job)

Picture 14:

My lens captured a picture from Karachi, but the mountains belong to Balochistan. (Karachi is located in Sindh province, while Balochistan is a separate province.)

This sight is always breathtaking for me. It's so refreshing and relaxing.

Picture 15:

While I was waiting for my Hive t-shirt.

Picture 16:

I have a lot of fidget spinners, but this one is particularly dear to me. It was a gift from someone special. The spinner is also symbolic, as it has opened many doors to new points of view in life.

Picture 17:

If you can't buy a Lamborghini, who says you can't buy one for your office desk? Meet my toy Lamborghini that motivates me to strive for my own Lamborghini. Oops, Lamborghini is considered old-fashioned now. I need a Bugatti!

Picture 18:

Do you want to enjoy swimming in a pool? Can't afford one? Don't worry, thanks to Pakistan's natural lack of management, there is a sponsored swimming pool wherever you look during the rainy season. Oh, you don't want to dip your toes in dirty water? Well, that's your loss!

Picture 19:

I have captured many sun pictures, and you have captured some as well. This particular one may not be the best, but it is my personal favorite among the other pictures I have taken.


Marine Life Artifacts:

Would you like to see something different now? Here are some pictures I took from an event organized at our university. They have a research lab and they sell shrimps, skincare products, and pink salt to fund some of the research.

20a-desk.jpg 21dolphin.jpg 22crab.jpg
23collect-in-jars.jpg 24more-collect-in-jar.jpg 25packs.jpg
26sea-shells.jpg 27fish-in-can.jpg 28crab.jpg
29i-don't-know.jpg 30more-skull.jpg 31more-crabs.jpg

Desks, dolphins, crabs, shell skulls, etc. Since I am not an expert to talk about this subject, I will not add context to each image and may skip providing context for some pictures where it is not needed.


Mental Health:

A trip dedicated to taking care of my mental health. Here are some pictures I want to share.

3232.jpg 3333.jpg 3434.jpg
3535.jpg 3636.jpg 3737.jpg
3838.jpg 3938.jpg 4040.jpg
4142.jpg 4242.jpg 4343.jpg
4444.jpg 4544.jpg 4645.jpg

Picture 32:

At the entrance, we can observe a cage that symbolizes how mental illnesses can imprison us. It depicts a bird, representing our freedom, to encourage us to address our mental health issues and allow ourselves to be free.

Picture 33:

This picture showcases several beautiful cards with messages like "Kindness always wins" and "I believe in you (brain)," among others. However, my personal favorite is the one that says, "Heart needs a lot of things while brain only needs hope."

Picture 34:

I thought it might be harder for you to read from the card. So here is what the card says:


And on days your mind feels like this,
A million thoughts going through your head,
Making you feel like an impostor in
your own home,
Driving you insane,
Are your efforts to hold on going in vain,
I want you to still hold on,
YOU, be strong;
There will come a day when this feeling
will be gone,
Just wait, Just hold on,
The anxiety will end,
You will survive."

Picture 35:

This card discusses what doesn't define us while highlighting aspects such as money, mistakes, degrees, illnesses, and more.

Picture 36:

Have you ever thought about what defines wellness? Explore the wellness wheel to gain control in your life.

Picture 37:

This picture showcases some healthy habits.

Picture 38:

Perfection can evoke fear within us. This quote encourages us to live life to the fullest, while also acknowledging that it's okay to make mistakes.

Picture 39:

Ever felt fed up with someone or something? Learn to create boundaries. Check out these images to learn more.

Picture 40:

An artwork made with balloons. This girl created a flower bouquet by filling balloons with air and painting with them.

Picture 41:

This is the place where my session was conducted. I was instructed to create an image of a house, but I ended up including a tree, mountains, and the sun. My doctor allowed me to do so. In the end, she discussed my personality and provided guidance on how to improve myself, highlighting specific areas I can focus on for self-improvement.

Picture 42:

Another artwork with balloons. We were also given the opportunity to create art using this technique and were provided with balloons and paint.

Picture 43:

A lot of cards with beautiful messages.

Picture 44:

The movie "Inside Out" themes chart sheds light on various topics related to mental health.

Picture 45:

Some goodies they gifted me on my way home.

Picture 46:

A Ramadan coloring page designed for coloring one picture per day, helping kids enjoy Ramadan in a fun way.


Food Time:

Forgot to bring your popcorn? Don't worry, it's food time.

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5049.jpg 5150.jpg 5251.jpg
5352.jpg 5453.jpg 5554.jpg
5655.jpg 5756.jpg 5857.jpg
5958.jpg 6059.jpg 6160.jpg
6261.jpg 6362.jpg 6463.jpg
6564.jpg 6665.jpg 6766.jpg
6867.jpg 6968.jpg 7069.jpg
7170.jpg 7271.jpg

Picture 47:

My own fun way to eat custard: add chocolate chips and powdered cake, then put it in the fridge. Just before eating, add cocomo. If you add it earlier, you know how the biscuits will taste. Give it a try, and you will be amazed. It's the creativity of the mind.

Picture 48:

When I prepare this type of meal in the morning, I feel like royalty.

Picture 49:

I was prepared in advance for the HiveLearners staff meeting, which lasted for over 3 hours.

Picture 50:

My brother-in-law made me pay. We have a very funny video capturing this moment. When my ATM wasn't working, he happened to be in a different location. When I told him it wasn't working, he joined me at the ATM machine and magically, it worked. To this day, he never believes me that it didn't work on the first attempt.

Picture 51 & 52:

My friend and I were having tea at an Islamic event after Taraweeh.

Picture 53, 54, & 55:

TerganFTP sponsored a meal for me and my family during the event when HivePakistan started accepting delegations and returning 90% of curation rewards. You can also delegate to HivePakistan and earn sweet curation returns in liquid Hive.

Picture 56:

Do you remember my post "Feathered Friends: A Business & Meditation!"? This is the meal we had that day, thanks to my friend.

Picture 57:

Enjoying chargha for the first time in Lahore.

Picture 58:

Another day, another self-made meal that gives a royal feeling.

Picture 59 & 60:

Lahore's famous Chaman ice cream. Pizza fries and zinger in Lahore.

Picture 61 & 62:

A meal with family after a beach day.

Picture 63:

A gift for Dad on his birthday while also taking care of his diabetes.

Picture 64:

Trying Subway footlong for the first time after my gym trainer instructed me to not eat zingers anymore. It was... ehhhh.

Picture 65:

Me enjoying tea while watching a Pakistan vs India match. People were emotional because of the match, but I am not a fan of watching cricket.

Picture 66:

A picture of a cake on my sister's birthday. Are they resembling a French kiss? Food ****!

Picture 67:

You know I prefer pulao over biryani, but did you know that I also eat samosa with pulao? I enjoy adding creative elements to my food.

Picture 68:

A memorable Oreo shake I bought for my grandma.

Picture 69:

Yummmm! Chicken anytime.

Picture 70:

Enjoying pizza fries from Doragi Street while my friend talks about his future plans (including marriage dreams, hehe).

Picture 71:

My friend and I were enjoying Foodpanda delivery in a public park, as if we had no home. It was funny to see people's reactions.

Picture 72:

Yes, this is the gigantic DOUBLE CRUNCH ZINGER BURGER I always talk about. It looks enormous, but I can finish it in 5-7 minutes every single time. I devour it like I belong to the caveman era.



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