How sensible would it be to force people off their own body parts. I might not have so much arguments to go on and about on this particular topic but one thing is certain, I would not be in support of it. Not with the contradiction.


I know it can be tough, you know, knowing that a person could die any moment(or is dead as in this case) because there's no other option to deploy inorder to help them stay alive, while there's someone out there who just needs one healthy organ, which the deceased person can afford to let go off since, stating the evident, it would be no use as, once dead, the organ rots.

As interesting as I find this topic, it's edgy too. I've been thinking about it, scratching at every pouch of reasoning, looking to strike a balance between what is fair and what is noble. It's so difficult. Walahi.

You know, when I saw the movie, "breath of life", the hospital scenes where the doctors first spoke to families of recently deceased people beseeching that they kindly consider donating the deceased(s) lungs but they would hear nothing of it, and even when Wale Ojo stormed their hospital rooms in rage because none was forthcoming or yielding, I had shared some anger as he. I wondered how hard it was to let go of something they could no longer have. Why let it rot when that part could stay alive in someone else and save another human from dying?

It was frustrating to think of it this way, and in similar manner, it was a no-no when I put myself in their shoes. I'm not sure I could deal with the thought of my person being opened up and buried with missing parts. E no easy o. I know, I know very well that it's a noble cause. I know that if the table was flipped, I'd talk every sense into the intending donor's kin, giving them reasons why it was a noble call. I know. But it's no easy as said.

I just think it's different.
Like, why isn't it mandatory to donate blood?
Why isn't it mandatory to donate your sperm or eggs to the childless?
Why isn't it mandatory to donate a kidney (you can live with just one, after all)?

Once upon a time, i learned that one of the foundations of modern medicine is the right to decide what happens to our bodies.
And, donation is a gift of the highest order, and everyone should be encouraged to participate, but it must always be a gift, never something that is taken from you.

Let's break this down a little, shall we?By definition, donation is an act of gifting something, and as such, voluntarism is implied in any donation. Anything that is mandatory can not be called donation by definition.

Let us forget the semantics and delve deeper into mandatory organ donation
Who will mandate it? Okay, okay.....the government.
But then, In any civil society, while living, a person has absolute right and ownership of his own body and by extension the organs within. This right is inviolate.

The person is deceased, you may say. The next best thing, in my opinion would be to put up a board wherein people are made to opt-in or choose-out that their organs be taken out when they are no more.

It would be a delight that more and more people get good chances to live by reason of a transplant plus, with organs at easy reach, the process becomes less torturous. I see the good in that. But consider the scare that the masses, especially those at the lower-class levels would face for fear that they would receive less quality treatments as maybe, there's some big lad out there who needs a transplant of some organ and the doctor is indebted to them. Also, think of how poorly some persons might begin to prioritize their healthcare. This is a somehow topic, in my opinion.

Personally, I think I'd be willing to let donations happen in the case that I lose someone(even my own life). It might feel to me like they still live, albeit a part of them does, only that it's alive in aome other body. Phew! Or maybe not. Maybe I'd not let the government treat the body like it's a thing to be taken out as they please. Put some respect on that body at least. Writing this makes me a little dizzy.

I think I'd just flip this question on its head and ask "Why would you ever think it's okay to take other people's organs without consent"?
Does that not sound like Compulsory organ harvesting to you?

See, this is the kind of topic that everyone comes with their diverse views and I promise you, they all are so solid and prolific, you would be forced to go with all and go with none. Let me just go continue with seeing yhe movie, Grey's Anatomy. I'm done here.

Thanks for gracing this post.

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