This image was taken in the second month of the second quarter of last year. The only one I took here, I guess. So I could always remember what was. Everyday, at the time, or almost daily, every chance I got, I sought Solitude


A lot was going on with me. If you read my post peace of mind is gold, you would grab the gist better. Every minute was chaotic. It wasn't my kind of vibe. I felt like I would choke And explode any moment, so, I went in search for calm. Asides the library(i guess, cause I don't visit there), school environment aren't any peacefl. I knew that I could not put up well with noise back at home and also in school, which were like the places I went by daily.

It was in that search, that I found this place. The one on this picture. I don't remember my first time there. I don't remember how I began going there. I just found it somehow and that was it. Actually, there are two of them; This, and one other free lecture Hall I frequented when it wasn't in use. They were my go-to options for some calm. As you may have noticed, it is just some block shed somewhere in the premises that isn't as rowdy and noisy as the rest places. I often went with two of my school pals and there we ate or used their phones or read(if we could) or talked.

In the beginning, these pals didn't get why I wanted us to go there than stay in the noisy class since it wasn't like we did anything unusual out there. I couldn't tell them anything more than that I disliked noise. Which I do. It was far more than I could fully explain. If they weren't up for it, I still would have gone without them. But they liked it along the line. Almost more than myself

Not a very comfortable area. No chairs nor armrest nor backrest nor anything fancy. Just a shed whose purpose in that environment I have been unable to decipher. But, it was a comfort place. I could take deep breaths there while I watched people pass by(not in great numbers as other routes). I could relax there, calculate my moves and just think clearly.

It was here, that while in school, I could perform hive activities. To you, there may be not extraordinary about the picture. I agree there isn't. But, it holds memories for me. Memories of calm in the midst of troubles. Memories of few minutes of calm that helped create sanity in my day at that time in my life.

I don't frequent there anymore. Haven't even been there so far this year. But whenever I pass, I get reminded of the purpose that spot spot served, what was and smile at how I was able to pull through. And then I think of where time went. Life, yeah?
It's what it is.


Thanks for gracing this post.

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